Test Android system apps

Before creating a test to run on an Android system app, you must retrieve relevant Android property values and map them to OpenText Functional Testing or OpenText Functional Testing Lab properties.

Then, use those properties as argument values in your test steps.

Retrieve and map Android property values

Retrieve the required property values using the uiAutomatorViewer tool.

To use Android property values:

  1. Access the uiAutomatorViewer tool. For details, see Analyze your app's user interface.
  2. Retrieve values for the following properties:


    The identifier of the application currently in view.

    Mapped to the identifier property of the App test object.


    The accessibilityid property of the object.


    Mapped to the class property of the test object.

  3. Open a test in OpenText Functional Testing, and record a step on any app. For example:

    Device("Device").App("UICatalog").MobileList("List").Select 0
  4. Manually adjust the various parts of the step according to the following example.

    Device("micclass:=Device").App("Identifier:=com.sec.android.app.launcher", "systemApp:=True”).MobileView("class:=Label", "accessibilityId:=Applications").Tap


    Use one of the following:

    Device("DeviceName") if the device test object is defined in the object repository

    Device("micclass:=Device") if you want to use a programmatic description


    Define the application identifier.

    This value is mapped to the package property in the uiAutomatorViewer.

    systemApp Set systemApp:=True.

    Define the test object class property.

    accessibilityId Set "accessibilityId:=Applications".

Continue by creating additional test steps and running your test.

For details, see Record Mobile tests, Edit Mobile tests, and Run Mobile tests.

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Android system app test example

The following steps show how to access the calculator system app, add numbers, calculate the result, and then clear the display:

' Navigate to the Home page on the device
' Navigate to the list of apps on the device
Device("micclass:=Device").App("Identifier:=com.sec.android.app.launcher", "systemApp:=True”).MobileView("class:=Label", "accessibilityId:=Applications").Tap
' Swipe to navigate to the calculator app
While Not Device("micclass:=Device").App("Identifier:=com.sec.android.app.launcher", "systemApp:=True").MobileView("class:=Label", "accessibilityId:=Calculator").Exist(5)
    Device("micclass:=Device").Swipe "left"

' Open the calculator app
Device("micclass:=Device").App("Identifier:=com.sec.android.app.launcher", "systemApp:=True").MobileView("class:=Label", "accessibilityId:=Calculator").Tap
' Press 1 on the calculator
Device("micclass:=Device").App("Identifier:=com.sec.android.app.popupcalculator", "systemApp:=True").MobileView("class:=ImageButton", "accessibilityId:=1").Tap
' Press + on the calculator
Device("micclass:=Device").App("Identifier:=com.sec.android.app.popupcalculator", "systemApp:=True").MobileView("class:=ImageButton", "accessibilityId:=Addition").Tap
' Press 5 on the calculator
Device("micclass:=Device").App("Identifier:=com.sec.android.app.popupcalculator", "systemApp:=True").MobileView("class:=ImageButton", "accessibilityId:=5").Tap
' Press = on the calculator
Device("micclass:=Device").App("Identifier:=com.sec.android.app.popupcalculator", "systemApp:=True").MobileView("class:=ImageButton", "accessibilityId:=Equal").Tap
' Press C (Clear) on the calculator
Device("micclass:=Device").App("Identifier:=com.sec.android.app.popupcalculator", "systemApp:=True").MobileView("class:=ImageButton", "accessibilityId:=Clear").Tap

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See also: