OpenText Software Delivery Management

OpenText Functional Testing integrates with OpenText Software Delivery Management, which incorporates tests and results from various sources into the overall product and release data, providing a comprehensive picture of your release quality and progress.

You can incorporate OpenText Functional Testing test results into OpenText Software Delivery Management in the following ways:

  • Use the Pipelines module in OpenText Software Delivery Management and integrate with your CI server.

    OpenText Software Delivery Management receives testing tool test run results from the pipeline runs.

  • Set up OpenText Functional Testing integration without pipelines.

    OpenText Software Delivery Management discovers OpenText Functional Testing tests and data tables stored in Git or SVN, enabling you to run the tests in OpenText Software Delivery Management test suites.

  • Incorporate automated test results into OpenText Software Delivery Management without using a CI server.

    Store your automated test results in a valid XML format, and use a Test Results Collection tool to set results to OpenText Software Delivery Management from ALM or simply from your file system.

For details, see the OpenText Software Delivery Management Help Center.