Bitmap Options Section (Checkpoint Properties Dialog Box) - Bitmap Checkpoints
Relevant for: GUI tests and scripted GUI components
The Bitmap Options area of the Bitmap Checkpoint Properties dialog box enables you to set the area of the bitmap to check as well as recognition criteria for the bitmap images to check.

You define the following:
The type of comparison that you want OpenText Functional Testing to perform when it runs a bitmap checkpoint step.
The bitmap that OpenText Functional Testing compares with or locates in your application during a run session.
The options available in this area depend on the checkpoint mode you selected.

Option |
Description |
Compare selection with runtime bitmap |
Instructs OpenText Functional Testing to compare the bitmap that you define with the bitmap of the actual object in your application during the run session.
Locate selection within runtime bitmap |
Instructs OpenText Functional Testing to check whether the specified bitmap is found anywhere within the bitmap of the actual object in your application during the run session.
Locate image within runtime bitmap (load image file) |
Instructs OpenText Functional Testing to check whether the specified image is found anywhere within the bitmap of the actual object in your application during the run session.
Crop to selection when saving |
Crops the bitmap image to the defined area when saving the image during a checkpoint in a test run. Note: This option is applicable only when you select the Locate selection within runtime bitmap option. |