Filter Link Check Dialog Box

Relevant for: GUI tests and scripted GUI components

This dialog box enables you to instruct OpenText Functional Testing to filter the hypertext links to check in a page checkpoint.

To access

In the All Objects in Page Area area of the Page Checkpoint Properties Dialog Box, click the Filter Link Check button.

Important information

If you select the Links checkbox in the Page Checkpoints Properties dialog box, all of the links on the page are automatically selected by default.

Relevant tasks

Insert a checkpoint step

See also

Filter Image Check / Filter PDFImage Check Dialog Box

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element



Each link on the page has a corresponding checkbox.

To check a link, select the corresponding checkbox (by default all links are selected).

To exclude a link from the page checkpoint, clear the corresponding checkbox.


The icon indicates that the target URL is currently a constant.

The icon indicates that the value of the property is currently a DataTable parameter.

The icon indicates that the value of the property is currently an environment variable parameter.

The icon indicates that the value of the property is currently a random number parameter.

Link name

The text in the hypertext link.

Link URL

The target URL.

Configure Value area

Enables you to you define the expected value of the target URL to which the hypertext links as a Constant or Parameter. For details on the user interface elements in this area, see Configure Value Area.