Structure your test with actions
Relevant for: GUI tests only
Insert a call to a new action, an existing action, or a copy of an action from the Design menu or the Record toolbar, or by right-clicking in the Solution Explorer or the canvas.
Nest an action within an existing action from the Keyword View. Highlight the step after which you want to insert the call, and add the call as you would any other action.
Change the run order of actions from the canvas by right-clicking, dragging, or using the arrow keys.
Dragging is supported for top-level actions only.
Remove calls to actions from the following locations:
Solution Explorer Remove all calls to a specific action. If the action is local, the action is also deleted. Canvas / Keyword View Remove specific calls to an action. If the action is local, removing all calls to the action also deletes the action.
Caution: Be careful when deleting a local reusable action. If the action is called by other tests, deleting the action may cause the other tests to fail.
You can also call actions dynamically during a run session using the LoadAndRunAction statement.
Iterative actions
If your action runs more than one iteration, the action must end at the same point in your application as it started, so that it can run another iteration without interruption.
For example, suppose you are testing a sample flight reservation site. If the action starts with a blank flight reservation form, it should conclude with a blank flight reservation form.
Changing actions
If you expect certain elements of your application to change regularly, it is a good idea to divide the steps related to changeable elements into a separate action so that it will be easy to change the required steps, if necessary, after the application is modified.
Right-click an action to open the associated object repository.
Multiple associated object repositories
You can associate as many object repositories as needed with an action, and the same object repository can be associated with different actions as needed. You can also set the default object repositories to be associated with all new actions in a test.
Order of object repositories
The order of the object repositories in the list determines the order in which OpenText Functional Testing searches for a test object description.
If there are test objects in different object repositories with the same name, object class, and parent hierarchy, OpenText Functional Testing uses the first one it finds based on the priority order defined in the Associated Repositories Tab (Action Properties Dialog Box).
The local object repository is always listed first and cannot be moved down the priority list or deleted.
Relative paths to object repositories
You can enter an associated object repository as a relative path. During the run session, OpenText Functional Testing searches for the file in the folders listed in the Folders pane of the Options dialog box (Tools > Options > GUI Testing tab > Folders node), in the order in which the folders are listed.
Associate an object repository dynamically
You can associate an object repository dynamically during a run session using the RepositoriesCollection statement.
See also: