Network emulation
Relevant for: GUI tests and components
Network Virtualization enables you to network performance while your application is running in a test run session.
Network virtualization emulates real-world network conditions by imposing impairments and constraints on a lab-network during the software testing process. These include network latency, packet loss, and bandwidth limitations, among others.
Example: For example, an application is run on a server located in New York.
The server is accessed by users in London.
When users access the server, there is a delay due to network impairments and constraints that inevitably exist on an extended network, such as the one between New York and London.
Software updates are developed for the system, and tested by the QA team based in New York.
Because QA is located so close to the sever, network impairments in the testing environment are much less than those that exist in the "live" system, and QA results may therefore not be accurate.
In your test or component, add steps to start and stop an emulation session to connect to the NV Test Manager and deploy an emulated network.
Run results include steps for the emulation session statements. Emulated network performance is displayed only in the NV Test Manager results.
For details, see Run a test using an emulated network.
Emulation session steps include the following methods:
For details on creating network emulation profiles, see your Network Virtualization for Mobile documentation.