Define Object Filter Dialog Box

Relevant for: GUI tests and components

This dialog box enables you to define which objects should be learned while using the Navigate and Learn option. The object filter contains predefined settings that decide which objects should be learned. The option you select in the Define Object Filter dialog box is saved and used for each subsequent learn session.

To access

Do one of the following:

  • In the Object Repository Manager window, select Object > Navigate and Learn.
  • In the Object Repository window, add a test object to the object repository using the Add Objects to Local and selecting an object that contains child objects.
  • In the Object Repository Manager, add a test object to the object repository using the Add Objects and selecting an object that contains child objects.

For details, see Add test objects to an object repository.

Relevant tasks

Add test objects to an object repository

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements


Selected object only (no descendants)

Adds to the object repository the previously selected object's properties and values, without its descendant objects.

Default object types

Adds to the object repository the previously selected object's properties and values, with the properties and values of its descendant objects according to the object types specified by the default filter. You can see which objects are in the default filter by selecting Selected object types, clicking the Select button, and then clicking the Default button.

All object types

Adds to the object repository the previously selected object's properties and values, together with the properties and values of all of its descendant objects.

Selected object types

Adds to the object repository the previously selected object's properties and values, as well as the properties and values of its descendant objects according to the object types and classes you specify in the object filter. You specify the objects and classes in the filter by clicking the Select button and selecting the required items in the Select Object Types Dialog Box.