BPT Testing Tab (Options Dialog Box)
Relevant for: business process tests and flows
This tab enables you to set options for parameter use of a BPT test and its components in OpenText Functional Testing.
To access |
Select Tools > Options > BPT Testing tab. |
Important information |
Clicking the Restore Factory Defaults button resets all product settings, including ALM connection information, the recent files list, and anything defined in the Options dialog box, such as startup options, UI layout, GUI, API, and BPT testing options, remote connection credentials, and more. |
Relevant tasks |
User interface elements are described below:

UI Element |
Description |
Promote component parameters |
Determines whether OpenText Functional Testing automatically promotes parameters to the flow or test level (when adding a component to a flow or test) or promotes flow parameters to the test level (when adding a flow to a test). |
Always link to existing test parameters |
Determines whether OpenText Functional Testing uses an existing test parameter during promotion or creates an additional test parameter, when a parameter with the same name already exists in the test or flow. If selected, the Test/Flow Parameter Name suffix is removed, because the parameter may have been promoted from multiple components. |
Automatically open Object Repository after Capture | Opens the local object repository window after you close the capture toolbar to enable you to edit the objects captured in your object repository. |
Load internal data for flows contained as part of business process tests | Load the parameter and iteration value data for any flows contained when opening a business process test. |
Auto-parameterization level |
Instructs OpenText Functional Testing which objects to automatically parameterize:
Note: If you want to specify exactly which objects to parameterize, you can set these properties in the configuration XML, located at <Installdir>\bin\SmartAutoParameterizationConfig.xml. |

UI Element | Description |
Automatically parameterize steps using Business Component parameters: | Enables you to use the Business component parameters as the step value parameters |
Reuse mode |
Instructs OpenText Functional Testing how to reuse already existing components when learning components with the BPT Packaged Apps Kit. You can select one of the following options:
Ignore comments when comparing scripts | Instructs OpenText Functional Testing to ignore any comment steps when comparing newly learned components to existing components after learning an application. |
Learn Flow Parameter Values |
Instructs OpenText Functional Testing how to create parameters when learning or reusing components. You can select one of the following options:
Component Type |
Instructs OpenText Functional Testing on the default type of component to create when learning. You can select from either a Keyword GUI component or a Scripted GUI component. For details on the types of components, see Business components and application areas. |

UI Element | Description |
Automatically parameterize steps using Business Component parameters | Instructs OpenText Functional Testing to create business component parameters (where possible) for test objects when recording, and use these parameters as the value of the test objects in the test steps. |
Automatically create snapshot for newly recorded components when recording a BPT test | Instructs OpenText Functional Testing to take a snapshot of the application window/page when recording. |
Automatically check in newly recorded components when recording a BPT test | If you are working in a version-controlled ALM project, this option instructs OpenText Functional Testing to prompt you to check in all components created during a recording of a business process test. |