Output Options Dialog Box
Relevant for: GUI tests and components
This dialog box enables you to define the output type for the specified property. The available output types depend on whether the output value is for a test, a scripted component, or a keyword component.
To access |
Important information |
See also |
You can choose from the following output types:

UI Elements |
Description |
Test/action parameter Output type |
Enables you to output a value to an action parameter, so that the values can be used later in the run session, or the values can be passed back to the external application that ran (called) the test. For details on outputting a value to a test or action parameter, see Storing output values. For details on creating and using parameters, see Parameterize object values. |
Parameter |
The name of the parameter in which to store the output value. The read-only list of available parameters contains the names and full descriptions of the currently defined output parameters for the action. Tip: You can resize the display, as needed, and, if the list of parameters is long, you can scroll through the list. |

UI Elements |
Description |
Data Table Output type |
Enables you to output values to the run-time data table. This enables you to store and retrieve values during a data-driven test (or action) that runs several times. In each repetition, or iteration, OpenText Functional Testing stores the value in a different row within the Data pane. |
Name |
The name of the column in the Data pane in which to store the value. OpenText Functional Testing suggests a default name for the output. You can select an existing output name from the list, or create a new output name by using the default output name or entering a valid descriptive name. |
Location in Data Table |
Specifies whether to add the DataTable parameter (column name) in the global or current action sheet in the data table. For details on outputting values to the Data pane, see Storing output values. |

UI Elements |
Description |
Environment Output type |
Enables you to specify the internal user-defined environment variable in which to store the selected value for the duration of the run session. |
Name |
The name of the internal user-defined environment variable in which to store the value. The list contains all currently defined internal user-defined environment variables with the corresponding type. You can select an existing variable from the list, or you can create a new internal environment variable by modifying the displayed name or by entering a new, descriptive name. Note: If you select an existing variable from the list, OpenText Functional Testing prompts you to choose whether to overwrite its current value with the new value when the output value step runs. If you choose not to overwrite the current value of the selected variable, a new environment variable is created with the original variable name and an identifying suffix. |
Type |
The environment variable type. Because it is not possible to output values to external or built-in environment variables, the type is always User-defined - internal. For details on environment variables, see Environment variable parameters. |

UI Elements |
Description |
Output Types |
The type of output parameter. Possible values:
Parameter |
The component parameter in which to store the output value. (Displayed only if Component parameter is Output Type.) The names and full descriptions of the available component parameters are displayed as read-only. You can resize the display, as needed, and, if the list of parameters is long, you can scroll through the list. |
Name |
The name of the parameter. (Displayed only if Local parameter is the Output Type) Enter a meaningful name for the parameter or choose one from the list. If no local parameter is defined, then the default parameter name, p_Local, is displayed. |
Description |
A brief description for the parameter. (Displayed only if Local parameter is Output Type.) |