Insert an output value step
Relevant for: GUI tests and components
Output values are usually best defined after creating an initial test or component.
In this topic:
- Tips before you start
- Output value object options
- Insert an output value step while recording
- Insert a new output value from the editor
- Insert a new output value from the Active Screen
- Insert an existing output step from the Editor
Tips before you start
File Content output values
Source files for File Content output values must be located on the file system.
File Content output values are not supported for use with business components, or for files stored in an ALM project.
Text / Text Area output values
Ensure that you configure the required capture settings in the Text Recognition pane of the Options dialog box (Tools > Options > GUI Testing tab > Text Recognition node).
When you use text-area selection to capture text displayed in a Windows application, it is often advisable to define a text area larger than the actual text you want OpenText Functional Testing to use as an output value.
During the run session, OpenText Functional Testing outputs the selected text, within the defined area, according to the settings you configured.
Because text may change its position during run sessions, make sure that the area defined is large enough so that the output text is always within its boundaries. For details, see Text recognition in run-time.
XML Output Values
The XML Output Value (From Application) option is available only when the Web Add-in is installed and loaded.
You can also insert a Web page or frame output value step using the XML (From Resource) option by selecting an existing WebXML test object.
XML Output Values are compatible with namespace standards.
A difference in namespaces between nodes stored in the Output Properties dialog box XML tree and the actual values will result in a failed output value step.
For details on XML and namespace standards, see the online W3C documentation.
Output value object options
Test and scripted components | Set options for the output value, including values to add to the output value step. |
Keyword components | Specify settings in the Output Value Properties Dialog Box |
Insert an output value step while recording
Start a recording session before inserting an output value step. Output values can be viewed in the following recording modes:
Simple Mode Displays only the basic properties and expected values of the output value.
Advanced Mode Displays all supported properties and expected values of the output value.
Select the type of output value you want to add from one of the following:
The Design menu Design > Output Value The record toolbar Click the click Insert Checkpoint or Output Value down arrow .
The pointer changes into a pointing hand.
If necessary, select the object or object sections you want to include in the output value. The specific dialog that opens differs depends on the type of output value selected.
Insert a new output value from the editor
This task is relevant for tests and scripted components only.
Make sure the object is visible in your application before inserting an output value step on it.
Right-click the step and select Insert Output Value.
If the location you clicked is associated with multiple objects, select the object or object sections you want to include from the Object Selection Dialog box.
The dialog box displayed may differ depending on the type of output value you are inserting.
Insert a new output value from the Active Screen
This task is relevant for tests and scripted components only.
Select View > Active Screen.
Make sure that the Active Screen contains sufficient data for the object for which you want to define an output value.
Click a step whose Active Screen contains the object for which you want to specify an output value.
Then, right-click the object, and select Insert Output Value.
Text output values - Highlight a text string in the Active Screen.
- Right-click the string, and select Insert Text Output Value.
Text Area output values Define the area you want OpenText Functional Testing to check by clicking and dragging the crosshairs pointer that appears when you select Text Area Output Value.
Hold down the left mouse button and use the arrow keys to make precise adjustments to the defined area.
Insert an existing output step from the Editor
This task is relevant for tests and scripted components only.
Ensure that the object is visible in your application.
Select the step after which you want to insert the output value.
Select Design > Output Value > Existing Output Value. The Add Existing Output Value Dialog Box opens, enabling you to select the test object from which you want to output values.
See also:
- Output values in GUI testing
- Output value types
- Storing output values
- Text recognition in run-time
- Tips for using the pointing hand
- Connect to Database Using ODBC Page (Database Query Wizard)
- Define/Modify Row Range Dialog Box
- Object Selection Dialog Box
- Output Value Properties Dialog Box
- Text Recognition Pane (Options Dialog Box > GUI Testing Tab)
- XML Source Selection - Checkpoint / Output Value Properties Dialog Box