Compare and view assets

Relevant for: GUI tests and components and API testing

Open the Asset Viewer in OpenText Functional Testing

You can open the Asset Viewer from any of the following:

The main OpenText Functional Testing window
  1. Open the test, component, or function library for which you want to view an earlier version.

  2. Select ALM > Version History. The Version History dialog box opens.

  3. Select a version and click View. The Asset Viewer opens.

The Object Repository Manager (GUI Testing only)
  1. Open the Object Repository Manager (Resources > Object Repository Manager).

  2. Browse to and open the shared object repository for which you want to view an earlier version. For details, see Manage shared object repositories.

  3. Select ALM > Version History. The Version History dialog box opens.

  4. Select a version and click View. The Asset Viewer opens.

The Recovery Scenario Manager (GUI Testing only)
  1. Open the Recovery Scenario Manager (Resources > Recovery Scenario Manager).

  2. Open the recovery scenario file for which you want to view an earlier version. For details, see Recovery Scenario Manager Dialog Box.

  3. Click the Version Control down arrow and select Version History.

  4. Select a version and click View. The Asset Viewer opens.

The Command Line Interpreter (cmd.exe) (tests only)
  1. Open the Command Line Interpreter.

  2. Enter the command using the following syntax:

    "<Installdir>\bin\QTPDiffApplication.exe" P1: "<file path 1>"

    where P1 = the file system path to the asset.

    For example:

    "%ProgramFiles%\OpenText\UFT One\bin\QTPDiffApplication.exe" P1: "%ProgramFiles%\OpenText\UFT One\Tests\Test1"

Open the Asset Viewer from ALM

Connect to the project containing the asset you want to view, and do one of the following:

View the current version of an asset

In the Test Resources module, select the resource and click the Resource Viewer tab.

View the current or earlier version of an asset
  1. Do one of the following:

    • In the sidebar, click the Test Plan button (for tests) or the Business Components button (for components) to open the Test Plan or Business Components module.

    • Click the Test Resources button to open the Test Resources module. This module contains the resource files associated with your test or component, such as function libraries, shared object repositories, data tables, recovery scenarios, and environment variable XML files.

  2. In the tree, select the file for which you want to view an earlier version.

  3. Click the History tab, and then click the Versions or Baselines tab.

  4. In the grid, select a version, and then click the View button. (You cannot view a version that is currently checked out.) A window opens with buttons in the sidebar enabling you to access version-specific information for the selected asset. (These buttons are identical to the tabs displayed in the right pane of the main window for the latest version of the selected asset.) For details, see the ALM user guide.

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Open the Asset Comparison Tool in OpenText Functional Testing

You can open the Asset Comparison Tool from any of the following:

The main OpenText Functional Testing window
  1. Open the test, component, or function library (GUI testing only) whose versions you want to compare.

  2. Select ALM > Version History or Baseline History. The Version History or Baseline History dialog box opens.

  3. Select two versions (using the CTRL key) and click Compare. The Asset Comparison Tool opens.

The Object Repository Manager (GUI testing only)
  1. Open the Object Repository Manager (Resources > Object Repository Manager).

  2. Browse to and open the shared object repository whose versions you want to compare.

  3. Select ALM > Version History or Baseline History. The Version History or Baseline History dialog box opens.

  4. Select two versions (using the CTRL key) and click Compare. The Asset Comparison Tool opens.

Recovery Scenario Manager (GUI testing only)
  1. Open the Recovery Scenario Manager (Resources > Recovery Scenario Manager).

  2. Open the recovery scenario file whose versions you want to compare. For details, see Recovery Scenario Manager Dialog Box.

  3. Click the Version Control down arrow and select Version History or Baseline History.

  4. Select two versions (using the CTRL key) and click Compare. The Asset Comparison Tool opens.

The Command Line Interpreter (cmd.exe) (tests only)
  1. Open the Command Line Interpreter.

  2. Enter the command using the following syntax:

    "<Installdir>\bin\QTPDiffApplication.exe" P1: "<file path 1>" P2: "<file path 2>"

    where P1 = the file system path to the first asset, and P2 = the file system path to the second asset.

    "%ProgramFiles%\OpenText\UFT One\bin\QTPDiffApplication.exe" P1: "%ProgramFiles%\OpenText\UFT One\Tests\Test1" P2: "%ProgramFiles%\OpenText\UFT One\Tests\Test2"

    Note: Make sure you insert a blank space after each argument. The options are not case-sensitive and can be entered in any order.

Open the Asset Comparison Tool from ALM

  1. In ALM, connect to the project containing the asset you want to compare.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • In the sidebar, click the Test Plan button (for tests) or the Business Components button (for components) to open the Test Plan or Business Components module.

    • Click the Test Resources button in the sidebar to open the Test Resources module. This module contains the resource files associated with your test or component, such as function libraries, shared object repositories, data tables, recovery scenarios, or environment variable XML files.

  3. In the tree, select the file whose versions you want to compare.

  4. Click the History tab, and then click the Versions or Baselines tab.

  5. In the grid, select two versions to compare (using the CTRL key), and then click the Compare button.

  6. In the sidebar of the window that opens, click the QTP Comparison/ST Comparison or Automation button. The Asset Comparison Tool opens.

    Tip: You can also compare baselines from the Management module. Click the Management button in the side bar to open the Management module. Select a baseline in the tree and click the Compare To button. For details, see the ALM user guide.

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View a comparison of two asset versions (Asset Comparison Tool)

  1. With a test or component selected, select ALM > Version History. The Version History dialog box opens.

  2. In the Version History dialog box, select two versions to compare by pressing the version row and the CTRL key.

  3. Click Compare. The Asset Comparison Tool window opens with a detailed list of the similarities and differences between the selected versions.

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Drill down to compare or view a specific element

Note: You can drill down any asset that has a drilldown arrow adjacent to it.

  • Click the drilldown arrow adjacent to any asset that can be compared. (The pointer changes into a pointing hand in the proximity of the drilldown arrow.)

  • Double-click the asset.

  • Right-click the asset and select View Drilldown.

  • Select an asset and press ENTER on your keyboard.

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View the OpenText Functional Testing location of an element

Right-click the relevant node and select View Sample Snapshot. The screen capture displays an example of the relevant dialog box. The option (or area) for the node you right-clicked is highlighted in the screen capture. For details, see Asset Comparison Tool and Asset Viewer.

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View the number of differences for a specific element

In the Asset Comparison Tool, collapse the node representing an element.

If the sub-elements of that element are different between versions, a legend is displayed adjacent to the node. The legend indicates the number of differences that exist under the collapsed element.

Example: In the following example, three sub-elements were modified, one was deleted, and seven were added:

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