Resources Pane (Test/Business Component Settings Dialog Box)
Relevant for: GUI tests and components
This pane displays the list of resources associated with your test or component (component associations are made via the component's application area).
For tests: The pane enables you to associate function libraries and data table files with your test. You can also set the currently associated function library settings as the default settings for all new tests.
For components: The pane displays a list of the function libraries and object repositories associated with the component via its application area, in read-only mode.
To access |
With a test, action, or business component in focus, select File > Settings > Resources. |
Important information |
For tests:
For components: The information in this pane is read-only. You define the settings for this pane using the Function Libraries in an Application Area and the Object Repositories Pane (Application Area). |
See also |
User interface elements are described below:
UI Element |
Description |
Associated function libraries |
The list of function libraries associated with your test or component. The order of the function libraries in the list determines the order in which OpenText Functional Testing searches for a function or subroutine that is called from a step in your test or component. For tests: You can add, delete, and prioritize the files. You can also set the default function libraries for new tests. |
![]() |
Associates a function library with the test. (If the function library contains syntax errors, a message opens stating that your test or component will fail because of these syntax errors.) You can enter the absolute or relative path and file name of the function library, or use the browse button to locate the required file. The function library can be located in the file system or in an ALM project folder. If you enter a relative path, then during a run session, OpenText Functional Testing searches for the file in the folder for the current test, and then in the folders listed in the Folders pane of the Options dialog box. Note:
Set as Default (tests only) |
Sets the current list of function libraries as the default list to be associated with new tests. This does not affect existing tests. Note: This button is enabled when the list of associated function libraries for this test is different from the list that was previously set as default for all tests. Caution: If the default function library is moved or renamed, OpenText Functional Testing will not be able to locate it. The function library will be displayed in the Errors pane when new tests are created. |
Check Syntax (tests only) |
Verifies whether any of the associated function libraries contain syntax errors that will prevent the test from running properly. Click the Check Syntax button to check the files for syntax errors before finalizing the test. If any syntax errors are found, the Errors pane opens listing the files containing syntax errors. Otherwise, an information box opens confirming that the syntax in all of the function libraries is valid. Note:
Data Table (tests only) |
The location of the data table to be used in your test:
Note: You can specify Microsoft Excel files stored in ALM as data tables. |
Associated object Repositories (components only) |
The list of shared object repositories currently associated with your component via its associated application area (in addition to the local object repository). The order of the object repositories in the list determines the order in which OpenText Functional Testing searches for a test object description. |