Toolbox Pane (GUI Testing)

Relevant for: GUI actions, components, and function libraries

What is the Toolbox Pane?

The Toolbox pane displays test objects and functions available to your document sorted alphabetically. You can view these items, open them in the object repository, action, or function library in which they are defined, or use them to add steps to your document (by dragging or copying the item into the document pane).

When you should use the Toolbox

Use the Toolbox pane to display available test objects and functions to add to your test.

Note: For details about the API testing Toolbox pane, see Toolbox Pane (API Testing) . For details about the business process testing Toolbox pane, see Toolbox Pane (BPT in OpenText Functional Testing).

To access
  1. Do one of the following:

    • Ensure that an action, component, or function library is in focus in the document pane.

    • In the Solution Explorer, select a GUI test or component node, or one of its child nodes.

  2. Select View > Toolbox.

Note: If the Toolbox pane is open, but not in focus, click the Toolbox tab at the bottom.

Important information
  • Checkpoint and output value objects are not displayed in this pane, even if they are included in an associated object repository.

  • The Toolbox pane displays the test objects and functions available to the document that is currently in focus.

  • For function libraries, the Toolbox pane displays only the Local Functions node.

  • When viewing functions, OpenText Functional Testing's default function names appear first in the list, in alphabetical order, and then user-defined functions are displayed below the built-in functions.