Work with tests and components in ALM

Relevant for: GUI tests and components and API testing

In this topic:

Connect to an ALM Project

Prerequisite: For details on setting up secure connections to your ALM server, see your ALM documentation.

To connect to an ALM project:

  1. In the toolbar, click the ALM Connection button . The ALM Connection dialog box opens.

  2. In the ALM Connection dialog box, enter the server name and login credentials for your users.

    Note: Ensure that the format you are using for the URL is the same as the URL you use to access ALM using your browser. For example, if you use the IP address to access the ALM server using the browser, you should use the IP address to access ALM using OpenText Functional Testing.

  3. Click Connect to connect to the ALM server. OpenText Functional Testing pauses for a few moments to connect with the ALM server.

  4. In the lower part of the ALM Connection dialog box, select the domain and project to access.

  5. Click Connect to access your ALM project.

    If you are connecting to an ALM server using external authentication, you are prompted as part of the login to select your external certificate.

  6. Select Restore connection on startup if you want OpenText Functional Testing to connect to the ALM server as soon as you start OpenText Functional Testing.

    This option is available only if you use ALM credentials and the ALM server handles the log in. If you are connecting to an ALM server using external authentication, the Restore connection on startup button is disabled, and you must initiate the ALM connection.

  7. Click Close to close the ALM Connection dialog box and begin working with your tests and components.

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Enable running tests from an ALM server using Single Sign-On (SSO)

To run OpenText Functional Testing tests from an ALM server that require SSO authentication:

  1. Ensure that the credentials are imported successfully, both for the ALM server and the identity management (IDM) server.

  2. Pre-configure your ALM environment:

    This step is only required if the site parameter ENABLE_CSE_V1 exists and is not set to Y.

    Use the ALM Webgate Customization Tool to pre-configure your ALM environment. Access this tool from ALM, at:

    http(s)://<ALM server>:<ALM port>/qcbin > Tools > ALM WebGate Customization

    Where <ALM server>:<ALM port> is the address for your ALM server.

    For more details, see the ALM Webgate Customization Tool readme, provided with your ALM documentation.

    Note: When working with an ALM server that requires SSO authentication, you must use ALM API Keys as credentials in the Webgate Customization Tool.

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Enable ALM to run tests or components

In OpenText Functional Testing, in the in the Test Runs pane of the Options dialog box (Tools > Options > GUI Testing tab > Test Runs node), select the Allow other products to run tests and components option.

For security reasons, remote access to your OpenText Functional Testing application is not enabled by default. This option enables ALM (or other remote access clients) to open and run tests.

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Enable full access to tests from ALM

To enable full access to tests from ALM, install the UFT One Add-in for ALM from one of the following locations:

  • The main OpenText Functional Testing installation Start screen, by selecting the UFT One Add-in for ALM.

  • The OpenText Application Delivery Marketplace.

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Enable the Remote Agent

If the Windows Firewall is turned on on your computer, and you want to enable tests to be run on your computer from a remote ALM client, then you must manually create a firewall exception for the remote agent.

To enable the Remote Agent:

  1. Make sure you open the ALM or Quality Center client at least once on your computer.

  2. Run Firewall.cpl from the command line. The Windows Firewall dialog box opens.

    Note: The remaining steps in this procedure may be different in different operating systems.

  3. Click the Exceptions tab.

  4. Click the Add Program button.

  5. In the Add a Program dialog box, browse to the location where the ALM or Quality Center client is installed and select any of the following files that exist:

    • bp_exec_agent.exe

    • ComWrapperRemoteAgent.exe

    • BptRemoteAgenApplication.exe

    Note: You may have to repeat this step a few times to add all relevant files.

  6. Click OK in the Add a Program dialog box. The files you selected are added to the Programs and Services list in the Windows Firewall dialog box.

  7. Click OK to close the Windows Firewall dialog box.

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Install an external certificate for your ALM server

This is necessary when your ALM server is running in a CAC (Common Access Card) environment.

  1. Request the following from your certificate authority:

    • The certificate authority certificate in PEM format. Rename to TrustedCA.pem.

    • The web server certificate in PEM format. The full server name should appear in the certificate. Rename to WebServerPublicCert.pem.

    • The server certificate private key file in PEM format. Rename to WebServerPrivateCert.pem.

    • The software client certificate (if a Common Access Card is not used) for one user.

  2. Place the certificate files in your web server configuration directory.

    Note: If you receive certificates in different formats, you can use openssl to convert them. You can install openssl from the openssl website.

    • To convert from CER, use openssl x509 -in /<webserver-directory>/conf/cert.cer -outform pem -out cert.pem.
    • To convert from PFX: 

      • Export the public key by using openssl pkcs12 -in /<webserver-directory>/conf/cert.pfx -clcerts -nokeys -out certPublic.pem.

      • Export the private key by using openssl pkcs12 -in /<webserver-directory>/conf/cert.pfx -nocerts -nodes -out certPrivate.pem.

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Create a template test

Perform this step to create a template test that has pre-defined test settings. You can then use this template test when creating new tests in ALM. For details, see Create a template GUI test.

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Set OpenText Functional Testing Remote Agent Preferences

To set the OpenText Functional Testing Remote Agent preferences:

  1. Open the Remote Agent from the Start menu or by running <Installdir>\bin\UFTRemoteAgent.exe.

    The Remote Agent icon is displayed in the task bar tray.

  2. Right-click the Remote Agent icon and select Settings. The Remote Agent Settings Dialog Box dialog box opens.

  3. View or modify the settings in the dialog box. For details, see Remote Agent Settings Dialog Box.

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Disconnect from the ALM project

  1. In the toolbar, click the ALM Connection button .

  2. In the ALM Connection dialog box, in the Login to project section, click the Logout button.

  3. In the Connect to server section, click the Disconnect button.

  4. Click Close to close the ALM Connection dialog box and continue working with OpenText Functional Testing.

Note: When you disconnect from a project, all open documents from the project automatically close.

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See also: