Activity sharing
Relevant for: API testing only
The activity sharing feature enables you to save locally stored services to a repository, so that they will be available for other tests.
Specify a repository on the file system or in ALM. The next time you create a test, you can access the service's activities from the repository instead of reimporting or recreating them.
If the resource (WSDL or REST service) becomes unavailable, the canvas displays alerts on the steps that use the resource. If you run the test when its resource is not available from its original source, it uses a copy of the test stored in its cache. By clicking the alert, you can reload the steps when the resource becomes available again.
The Toolbox pane detects version updates for activities stored in a repository. When it detects a discrepancy between the step and the Toolbox pane activity, it displays an alert for the step. By clicking the alert, you can automatically update the resource from its source.