New/Add New <Document> Dialog Box
Relevant for: GUI tests and components, API testing, and business process testing
This dialog box enables you to create a new testing document or add a new document to an existing solution.
To access
Prerequisite for ALM users: Connect to your ALM project if needed. For details, see ALM Connection Dialog Box.
Do one of the following:
Select File > New > Test/Business Component
Select File > Add > New Test/Business Component
Click the New down arrow
and select Test or Business Component.
Click the Add down arrow and select Test or Business Component.
Important information
When you save a new document in the file system, OpenText Functional Testing suggests a default folder called UFT One. This folder is located under My Documents.
In ALM, components are saved in the ALM Components module. You cannot save a component directly in the root folder of this module. Create a sub-folder within it, or select an existing sub-folder.
The types of new tests available differ depending on the license loaded and the applications installed on the OpenText Functional Testing computer.
The location of your document file is prefaced by an ALM path, shown as: [ALM] Components/Subject \<folder name>.
All documents must be part of a solution.