Run Dialog Box

Relevant for: GUI testing, API testing, and business process testing

This dialog box lets you prepare for the test run by selecting the test to run and providing a location for the results.

To access
  1. Ensure that a test or component is in focus in the document pane or selected in the Solution Explorer.

  2. Select one of the following:

    • Click the Run button.

    • For GUI tests:

      • Click the Run button and select Maintenance Run Mode.

      • Click the Run button and select Update Run Mode.

Important information
  • When the test stops running, the run results open unless you have cleared the View results when test run ends checkbox in the Run Sessions pane of the Options dialog box (Tools > Options > General tab > Run Sessions node).

  • You can also optionally automatically upload your run results to ALM if you are running a test from ALM. This option is set in ALM as a site parameter for your project. For details, see the ALM Administrator Guide.

  • When running API tests, you can bypass this dialog box using the Run > Run Now menu item.

  • For GUI testing: When running a test with external resource files (like function libraries, data tables, or recovery scenarios) that are saved in ALM, the resource files are not refreshed for each test run. As a result, any changes made to these external resource files during the current session are not reflected in a test run until you close and reload test and its resource files.

Important Information (for business process tests and flows)

When you run business process tests and flows in OpenText Functional Testing, you can only select the document you are running, if you have multiple documents open. You cannot modify the results location, nor can you define any other options.

Note: For improved performance when running business process tests or flows, OpenText Functional Testing creates and runs a hosting test, named Test Runtime. The Test Runtime test is recreated each time the test or flow runs, and is not saved with the run.

Relevant tasks

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements


Test Name

The test or component to run. You can select any open item from the drop-down list.

Results Location
(for GUI, API, and business process tests)

The target location for the results.

For GUI and API tests, you can specify this location in the Results Location tab.

For business process tests, results are always saved in the temporary run results folder.

(for GUI and API tests)

Expands or collapses the dialog box to show the Results Location and Input Parameters tabs.


Begins the run session.