Seat vs. concurrent licenses
Seat licenses
Seat licenses are machine-specific licenses, based on a specific locking code per computer.
The key must be entered once only, and provides one installation per key.
A computer with multiple bootable partitions may generate a different locking code for each partition. When obtaining a seat license key, you must use the locking code for the partition on which you will be using OpenText Functional Testing or OpenText Functional Testing for Developers.
Seat licenses and Windows servers
If you install a seat license on a Windows server, the seat license will be consumed by the first user who logs into the Windows server.
Limited seat licenses
If you install a time-limited seat license, do not modify the date on your computer. Doing so will block your active seat license and prevent future seat license installations on that computer. For more information, contact your OpenText Functional Testing license supplier.
MAC address or host name changes
If you modify the MAC address or host name of the computer after installing a seat license, you must regenerate and install your seat licenses again.
Concurrent licenses
Concurrent licenses are taken from the AutoPass License Server on a per-session basis. You must have an active network connection to install and access concurrent licenses.
Each time OpenText Functional Testing or OpenText Functional Testing for Developers starts, it tries to connect to the AutoPass License Server for an available license, which regulates the number of licenses currently in use.
The license is returned to the AutoPass License Server when OpenText Functional Testing or OpenText Functional Testing for Developers is closed. Additionally, concurrent licenses are released when OpenText Functional Testing or OpenText Functional Testing for Developers is idle, with no mouse or keyboard activity, for a specified amount of time.
If you need to use your FT tool without access to the internet, use one of the following instead:
Both commuter and remote commuter licenses expire at 23:59 of the expiration day. After the commuter license expires, OpenText Functional Testing and OpenText Functional Testing for Developers automatically return to the previously used license type.
Tip: You can track license usage across your network (for your FT tools as well as other products). For details, see the AutoPass License Server online documentation.
See also: