Update an SAP RFC or IDoc

Relevant for: API testing only

This topic describes how to update an SAP RFC or IDoc.

In this topic:

Update the RFC/IDoc from its original location

In the Toolbox pane, right-click the RFC or iDoc and select Update.

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Update the RFC/IDoc from a different location

  1. In the Toolbox pane, right-click the RFC or IDoc and select Update from. The Update <Item_Name> dialog box opens.

  2. To change the connection or server information, do one of the following:

    • In the Update dialog box, select Override connection and specify the details

    • In the SAP Connections pane in the Options dialog (Tools > Options > API Testing tab > SAP Connections node), change the default connection information.

  3. In the bottom pane, search for and select a different RFC or IDoc. For details, see the Import from SAP/Update Dialog Box.

  4. Click Update. Accept any warning or informational pop-ups.

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Run the Update Step wizard

If a test step contains conflicts because an RFC or IDoc name or property changed, then the canvas marks the step with a warning marker.

  1. In the canvas, click the warning marker to display the message The step must be resolved. Resolve step. Click on the message text. The Update Step Wizard window opens.

    Note that the step's properties become read-only, until you resolve them with the help of the wizard.

  2. In the wizard's Select Activity page, click in the New item area and select the operation that corresponds to the one in the Original item pane. Click Next. Properties for which conflicts were detected are highlighted in red.

  3. If there are conflicted input properties, the Update Input Properties page opens. In the Original Properties pane, select a property for which there is a conflict, highlighted in red. In the right pane, New Properties, select a property to map. Click Map. The wizard adds the mapping to the list in the bottom pane. Repeat this for all properties that you want to map. Click Next.

  4. If there are conflicted output properties, the Update Output Properties page opens. Select a property for which there is a conflict, highlighted in red. In the New Properties pane select the property to which you want to map. Click Map. The wizard adds the mapping to the list of mappings in the bottom pane. Repeat this for all properties that you want to map. Click Next.

  5. Click Finish to save your changes and close the wizard.

    For details about the wizard, see the Update Step/Activity Wizard.

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