GUI web testing tutorial

The GUI web testing tutorial is a self-paced guide that teaches you the basics of testing your web application with OpenText Functional Testing.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create and run automated GUI tests on a web application, and then analyze the run results.

Tutorial audience and scope

This tutorial is intended for users who are new to GUI testing in OpenText Functional Testing.

In addition to GUI tests, OpenText Functional Testing enables you to create and run API and business process tests. However, this tutorial reviews topics related to GUI testing on web apps only.

As such, while performing the steps outlined in this tutorial, you may notice other elements in OpenText Functional Testing that are not covered here. These may be for BPT or API testing only, or for GUI testing on technologies other than web. They are not relevant for GUI web testing.

Additionally, this tutorial refers to file system paths and browser options in Windows 10 and Chrome. The paths in other operating systems or browsers may be slightly different.

Tip: If you will be creating business process tests, note that the procedures in this tutorial can mostly also be applied to creating keyword-driven components.

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Tutorial exercises

This tutorial includes the following exercises:

  1. Create your test structure
  2. Record your first action
  3. Create modular object repositories
  4. Add steps from the Keyword View
  5. Add steps from the Toolbox Pane
  6. Add Logout steps in the Editor
  7. Run your test and analyze results

When you've completed the tutorial, use the skills you learned to start analyzing your own user flows and testing your web app.

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