Common Methods and Properties


The methods and properties described in this section are common to all test objects.


Common Method CaptureBitmapSaves a screen capture of the object as a .png or .bmp image using the specified file name.
Common Method CheckChecks whether the actual value of an item matches the expected value.
Common Method CheckPropertyChecks whether the actual value of the specified object property matches the specified expected value within the specified timeout.
Common Method ChildObjectsReturns the collection of child objects contained within the object.
Common Method GetAllROProperties

Returns the collection of properties and current values from the object in the application.

Common Method GetROProperty

Returns the current value of the description property from the object in the application.

Common Method GetTOPropertiesReturns the collection of properties and values used to identify the object.
Common Method GetTOPropertyReturns the value of the specified description property from the test object description.
Common Method Highlight

Highlights the object in the application.

Common Method OutputRetrieves the current value of an item and stores it in a specified location.
Common Method RefreshObjectInstructs OpenText Functional Testing to re-identify the object in the application the next time a step refers to this object.
Common Method SetTOPropertySets the value of the specified description property in the test object description.
Common Method ToStringReturns a string that represents the test object.
Common Method WaitPropertyWaits until the specified object property achieves the specified value or exceeds the specified timeout before continuing to the next step.


Common Property ExistChecks whether the object currently exists in the open application.
Common Property ObjectAccesses the native methods and properties of the object.


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CaptureBitmap Method


Saves a screen capture of the object as a .png or .bmp image using the specified file name.


object.CaptureBitmap FullFileName, [OverrideExisting]


FullFileName Required. A String value.
OverrideExisting Optional. A Boolean value.
Default value = False

Return Type



Note: The examples below are specific to a certain environment. However, the syntax and context can be applied to most other environments.


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Check Method


Checks whether the actual value of an item matches the expected value.


object.Check (Verify)


Verify Required. A Variant.
The checkpoint object, which contains the expected values to be compared and verified during the test run.

Return Type

A Boolean value.


  • You create checkpoints and define the property checks for the checkpoint using one of the Insert Checkpoint options. For more information, refer to the OpenText Functional Testing User Guide.
  • The Check method is not supported for Insight or Text test objects.


Note: The example below is specific to a certain environment=. However, the syntax and context can be applied to most other environments.


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CheckProperty Method


Checks whether the actual value of the specified object property matches the specified expected value within the specified timeout.


object.CheckProperty (PropertyName, PropertyValue, [TimeOut])


PropertyName Required. A String value.

The name of the property whose value is checked. The available properties are listed in the description properties page under each test object.

PropertyValue Required. A Variant.
The expected value against which the actual property value should be checked. You can either use a simple value or you can use a comparison object together with the value to perform more complex comparisons.
TimeOut Optional. An unsigned long integer value.
The time, in milliseconds, within which OpenText Functional Testing should check whether the actual value of the property matches the specified expected value. If no value is specified, OpenText Functional Testing uses the time set in the Object Synchronization Timeout option in the Run pane of the Test Settings dialog box.
Default value = 60

Return Type

A Boolean value.

Returns TRUE if the property achieves the value, and FALSE if the timeout is reached before the property achieves the value.

A TRUE return value reports a Passed step to the run results; a FALSE return value reports a Failed step to the run results.


If the expected and actual values do not match, an error is reported and the test or component status is changed to failed.

Note: For test run synchronization, or whenever you do not want to fail the test if the expected and actual values do not match, use the WaitProperty method.

You can also use comparison objects to perform more complex value comparisons. For example, you can instruct OpenText Functional Testing to check whether a specific property value is greater than the specified value.

An example of the syntax required when using a comparison object is: Object.CheckProperty "items count",micGreaterThan(8)

The following comparison objects can be used:

  • micGreaterThan: Greater than; checks whether the property value is greater than the specified value.
  • micLessThan: Less than; checks whether the property value is less than the specified value.
  • micGreaterThanOrEqual: Greater than or equal to; checks whether the property value is greater than or equal to the specified value.
  • micLessThanOrEqual: Less than or equal to; checks whether the property value is less than or equal to the specified value.
  • micNotEqual: Not equal to; checks whether the property value is not equal to the specified value.
  • micRegExpMatch: Regular expression; checks whether the property value achieves a regular expression match with the specified value. Regular expressions are case-sensitive and must match exactly. For example, 'E.*h' matches 'Earth' but not 'The Earth' or 'earth'.

When the types of the expected value and actual value do not match, the comparisons are performed as follows (in this order):

  • Empty values: Empty values may be an uninitialized variable or field (which returns TRUE for the IsNull function in VBscript) or initialized to an empty value (which returns TRUE for the IsEmpty function is VBscript). When trying to compare two arguments when at least one is an empty value, the comparison assumes equality for two uninitialized arguments and for two empty arguments. Any other combination is considered unequal.
    For example:
    dim vEmpty
    Object.CheckProperty "text",micNotEqual
    will not wait for the timeout (because the 'text' property value is an empty string and the argument passed to micNotEqual is an empty value, and so micNotEqual finds them not equal and returns TRUE).
  • String values: When trying to compare a string value with non-string value, the string value is converted to the non-string type and then compared. If the string value cannot be converted to the non-string type, the comparison assumes the values are not equal.
    For example:
    Object.CheckProperty "text",micGreaterThan(8) will not wait for the timeout if the 'text' property value is '16' (because micGreaterThan finds 16 to be greater than 8 and returns TRUE), but will wait if the 'text' property value is 'a' (because 'a' cannot be converted to a number).
  • Boolean values: When trying to compare a Boolean value with non-boolean value, the non-boolean value is converted to a boolean value and then compared. The conversion method assumes that any integer value other than '0' is TRUE, and that '0' alone is FALSE. If the conversion fails to produce a boolean value (for example, if the value is 'abc'), the comparison result will be FALSE (note that for the WaitProperty method this result would instruct OpenText Functional Testing to keep waiting). If the conversion succeeds, the method compares the two boolean values according to the comparison logic.
  • Other value types: When other value types do not match, they are compared under the assumption that different types are not equal (nor greater than or less than each other).

Note: When working with Mobile objects, you can use this method only for a limited list of properties. See the Mobile Objects' description properties pages for details.


Note: The examples below are specific to a certain environment. However, the syntax and context can be applied to most other environments.


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ChildObjects Method


Returns the collection of child objects contained within the object.


object.ChildObjects ([Description])

Mobile testing: When working with iOS devices, use the following syntax:



Description Required for the Mobile Add-in. Optional for all other add-ins. An Object.
The Properties (collection) object containing the description of the objects you want to find. 
Tip: You can retrieve a Properties collection using the GetTOProperties method or you can build a Properties collection object using the Description object.  For more information on the Description object, refer to the Utility Objects section of the OpenText Functional Testing Object Model Reference.

Return Type

An Object.


  • The method returns the child objects that fit the description specified (using the Properties object).

    When working with Android native apps, the following properties are supported: resourceid; class; text; nativeclass

  • When an object is retrieved by the ChildObjects method, OpenText Functional Testing accesses it directly in the application and does not save a description for the object. Therefore, you must use the object immediately after retrieving it, and before anything in the application changes.

  • The ChildObjects method is not supported for: Insight test objects, Text test objects, and flutter-based mobile applications.

  • If you use a Description object to specify a specific test object, when specifying the test object type for Mobile objects, use "class" instead of "micClass".


Note: The examples below are specific to a certain environment. However, the syntax and context can be applied to most other environments.

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GetAllROProperties Method


Returns the collection of properties and current values from the object in the application.



Return Type

An Object.


GetAllROProperties differs from the GetTOProperties method. GetAllROProperties returns the collection of properties and their current values from the object in the application during the test run. GetTOProperties returns the values from the test object's description.


Note: The example below are specific to a certain environment. However, the syntax and context can be applied to most other environments.


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GetROProperty Method


Returns the current value of the description property from the object in the application.


object.GetROProperty (Property, [PropertyData])


Property Required. A String value.
The property to retrieve from the object.
PropertyData Optional. A Variant.
Not in use.

Return Type

A Variant.


  • GetROProperty differs from the GetTOProperty method. GetROProperty returns the current property value of the object in the application during the test run. GetTOProperty returns the value from the test object's description.
  • When working with Mobile objects, you can use this method only for a limited list of properties. See the Mobile Objects' description properties pages for details.
  • The GetROProperty method supports retrieving attribute values and style property values of a web object.

    • Use the syntax <web object>.GetROProperty("attribute/<attribute name>") to get the value of an attribute of a web object.

    • Use the syntax <web object>.GetROProperty("style/<style property name>") to get the style property value of a web object.


Note: The examples below are specific to a certain environment. However, the syntax and context can be applied to most other environments.


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GetTOProperties Method


Returns the collection of properties and values used to identify the object.



Return Type

An Object.


GetTOProperties differs from the GetROProperty method. GetTOProperties returns the values from the test object's description. GetROProperty returns the current property value of the object in the application during the test run.


Note: The examples below are specific to a certain environment. However, the syntax and context can be applied to most other environments.


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GetTOProperty Method


Returns the value of the specified description property from the test object description.


object.GetTOProperty (Property)


Property Required. A String value.
Property whose value is retrieved from the object description.

Return Type

A Variant.


GetTOProperty differs from the GetROProperty method. GetTOProperty returns the value from the test object's description. GetROProperty returns the current property value of the object in the application during the test run.

You can use the GetTOProperty method to retrieve the values of only those properties that are included in the test object description. Specifying a property that is not included in the test object's description results in a warning status for the step and the test. For more details on adding properties to a test object description, see the OpenText Functional Testing User Guide. For details on the exact versions supported, see the OpenText Functional Testing Support Matrix.


Note: The examples below are specific to a certain environment. However, the syntax and context can be applied to most other environments.

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Highlight Method


Highlights the object in the application.


object.Highlight (Type)



Optional. A predefined constant or number.
The type of highlight action to perform.

Possible values: 

  • 0 or HIGHLIGHT_STATIC. Display a rectangle around the object.

  • 1 or HIGHLIGHT_FLASH (default). Display a flashing rectangle around the object.

  • 2 or HIGHLIGHT_REMOVE. Remove the highlight from the object.

Caution: A rectangle displayed using the option HIGHLIGHT_STATIC option remains on the screen. Use an object.Highlight (HIGHLIGHT_REMOVE) step to remove it explicitly.

Return Type



Note: The examples below are specific to a certain environment. However, the syntax and context can be applied to most other environments.


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Output Method


Retrieves the current value of an item and stores it in a specified location.


object.Output (Verify)


Verify Required. A Variant.
The output object that contains the details of the data to output.

Return Type



You insert output values in your test using one of the Insert Output Value options. For more information, refer to the OpenText Functional Testing User Guide.


Note: The examples below are specific to a certain environment. However, the syntax and context can be applied to most other environments.


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RefreshObject Method


Instructs OpenText Functional Testing to re-identify the object in the application the next time a step refers to this object.



Return Type



This method should be used only prior to steps that meet both of the following conditions:

  1. The step performs an operation that references an object, but does not specify an object name from the object repository or a programmatic description. For example:

    • Steps performed under a With statement:

      	Dialog("Edit").AcxEdit("MyEdit").SetCaretPos 0    
      	Dialog("Edit").AcxEdit("MyEdit").Type "Hello."             
      End With
    • Steps performed on a variable that has been set to a test object:

      • Steps performed under a With statement:

        	Dialog("Edit").AcxEdit("MyEdit").SetCaretPos 0    
        	Dialog("Edit").AcxEdit("MyEdit").Type "Hello."             
        End With
      • Steps performed on a variable that has been set to a test object:

        Set MyEdit=Dialog("Open").AcxEdit("File")
        MyEdit.Set "document.txt"
      • Steps performed within a function on an object that was passed by the function call, such as a call to a registered (RegisterUserFunc) method.

        Function MySet (obj, x)
        dim y
        y = obj.GetROProperty("value")
        Reporter.ReportEvent micDone, "previous value", y
        End Function
  2. The object referenced by your step was refreshed, redrawn, or changed in some way in your application since the last time a step was performed on that object (but it still matches the test object description defined for the object).


Note: The examples below are specific to a certain environment. However, the syntax and context can be applied to most other environments.


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SetTOProperty Method


Sets the value of the specified description property in the test object description.


object.SetTOProperty (Property, Value)


Property Required. A String value.
The property whose value to set in the test object description.
Value Required. A Variant.
The value to assign to the listed property.

Return Type



SetTOProperty changes the property values used to identify an object during the test run. It has no effect on the Active Screen, the values saved in the Object Repository, or on the object in the application.

If you specify a property that is not included in the test object description, this property is added. For more information on adding properties to a test object description, see the OpenText Functional Testing User Guide.


Note: The examples below are specific to a certain environment. However, the syntax and context can be applied to most other environments.


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ToString Method


Returns a string that represents the test object.

The ToString method is useful if you want to retrieve the test object name and type from within a function or keyword.



Return Type

A String value.

The name of the test object and its generic type, for example, AcxButton("MyRoundButton") object returns: MyRoundButton button


Enhancements to UI Automation in UFT 14.03 may affect tests that contain the ToString method.

If you have upgraded from a version earlier than 14.03, have the UI Automation Add-in enabled, and use the ToString method in your tests, your test may require some updates before it can run without errors.

Run your test to find the steps that require updates.


Note: The examples below are specific to a certain environment. However, the syntax and context can be applied to most other environments.


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WaitProperty Method


Waits until the specified object property achieves the specified value or exceeds the specified timeout before continuing to the next step.


object.WaitProperty (PropertyName, PropertyValue, [TimeOut])


PropertyName Required. A String value.
The name of the property whose value is checked.
PropertyValue Required. A Variant.
The value to be achieved before continuing to the next step.
TimeOut Optional. A long integer value.
The time, in milliseconds, after which OpenText Functional Testing continues to the next step if the specified value is not achieved. If no value is specified, OpenText Functional Testing uses the time set in the Object Synchronization Timeout option in the Run pane of the Test Settings dialog box.
Default value = -1

Return Type

A Boolean value.

Returns TRUE if the property achieves the value, and FALSE if the timeout is reached before the property achieves the value. A FALSE return value does not indicate a failed step.


This method is useful for test run synchronization. Unlike the Exist method, the WaitProperty method enables you to synchronize the test run based on a specific object property. For example, you can instruct OpenText Functional Testing to wait for a particular string to appear in a static text control:
' Wait up to 30 seconds for the string "Ready" to appear in the "Status" text control.
Window("Test").Static("Status:").WaitProperty "text", "Ready", 30000

Note: OpenText Functional Testing must be able to identify the specified object to perform this synchronization.

You can also use comparison objects to perform more complex value comparisons. For example, you can instruct OpenText Functional Testing to wait until a specific property value is greater than the specified value.

An example of the syntax required when using a comparison object is: Object.WaitProperty "items count",micGreaterThan(8)

The following comparison objects can be used:

  • micGreaterThan: Greater than; Specifies that OpenText Functional Testing waits until the property value is greater than the specified value.
  • micLessThan: Less than; Specifies that OpenText Functional Testing waits until the property value is less than the specified value.
  • micGreaterThanOrEqual: Greater than or equal to; Specifies that OpenText Functional Testing waits until the property value is greater than or equal to the specified value.
  • micLessThanOrEqual: Less than or equal to; Specifies that OpenText Functional Testing waits until the property value is less than or equal to the specified value.
  • micNotEqual: Not equal to; Specifies that OpenText Functional Testing waits until the property value is not equal to the specified value.
  • micRegExpMatch: Regular expression; Specifies that OpenText Functional Testing waits until the property value achieves a regular expression match with the specified value. Regular expressions are case-sensitive and must match exactly. For example, 'E.*h' matches 'Earth' but not 'The Earth' or 'earth'.

When the types of the expected value and actual value do not match, the comparisons are performed as follows (in this order):

  • Empty values: Empty values may be an uninitialized variable or field (which returns TRUE for the IsNull function in VBscript) or initialized to an empty value (which returns TRUE for the IsEmpty function is VBscript). When trying to compare two arguments when at least one is an empty value, the comparison assumes equality for two uninitialized arguments and for two empty arguments. Any other combination is considered unequal.
    For example:
    dim vEmpty
    Object.WaitProperty "text",micNotEqual
    will not wait for the timeout (because the 'text' property value is an empty string and the argument passed to micNotEqual is an empty value, and so micNotEqual finds them not equal and returns TRUE).
  • String values: When trying to compare a string value with non-string value, the string value is converted to the non-string type and then compared. If the string value cannot be converted to the non-string type, the comparison assumes the values are not equal.
    For example:
    Object.WaitProperty "text",micGreaterThan(8) will not wait for the timeout if the 'text' property value is '16' (because micGreaterThan finds 16 to be greater than 8 and returns TRUE), but will wait if the 'text' property value is 'a' (because 'a' cannot be converted to a number).
  • Boolean values: When trying to compare a Boolean value with non-boolean value, the non-boolean value is converted to a boolean value and then compared. The conversion method assumes that any integer value other than '0' is TRUE, and that '0' alone is FALSE. If the conversion fails to produce a boolean value (for example, if the value is 'abc'), the comparison result will be FALSE (note that for the WaitProperty method this result would instruct OpenText Functional Testing to keep waiting). If the conversion succeeds, the method compares the two boolean values according to the comparison logic.
  • Other value types: When other value types do not match, they are compared under the assumption that different types are not equal (nor greater than or less than each other).

Note: When working with Mobile objects, you can use this method only for a limited list of properties. See the Mobile Objects' description properties pages for details.


Note: The examples below are specific to a certain environment. However, the syntax and context can be applied to most other environments.


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Exist Property


Checks whether the object currently exists in the open application.


object.Exist ([TimeOut])



Optional. An unsigned long integer value.

The length of time (in seconds) to search for the object before returning a True or False value.

  • If a timeout value is specified, OpenText Functional Testing waits until it finds the object or until the timeout is reached.

  • If no value is specified, the value specified in the Test Settings dialog box for the Object Synchronization Timeout is used for tests. For business components, the pre-defined value of 20 seconds is used.

Note: A value of 0 is not supported for Mobile test objects.

For more information on the Object Synchronization Timeout, see the OpenText Functional Testing Help Center.

Value Type

Read-only property. A Boolean value


Note: The example below are specific to a certain environment. However, the syntax and context can be applied to most other environments.


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Object Property


Accesses the native methods and properties of the object.



Value Type

Read-only property. An Object.


  • The following add-ins do not support the .Object property:

    Delphi, Mobile, Oracle, PowerBuilder, Standard Windows, Stingray, Terminal Emulator, and VisualAge.

  • Insight and Text test objects do not support the .Object property.

  • The Internet Explorer Document Object Model (DOM) is a set of COM objects that correspond to the elements you see on a Web page. Every HTML element (<IMG>, <A>, or <TABLE>) is programmable via an object that is part of the overall object model. You can modify the appearance and behavior of an HTML element by altering an object's properties and calling its methods. In addition to methods and properties, the objects also fire events to signal user interaction or changes in the corresponding HTML element.

    To allow access to these objects, the browser creates a top-level document object for each HTML document it displays. This document object represents the entire page. From this document object you can access the rest of the object hierarchy by using properties and collections. For example, you will use the links property of the document object to retrieve the actual link collection.

    When you use the .Object property on a Web-based object in your test or component, you actually get a reference to the DOM object. This means that every operation you can perform on the DOM object, you can also perform on the Web-based object using the .Object property.SAP Solutions Add-in

  • : The .Object property is used to access the internal (native) methods and properties of the SAP Scripting API. For more information on these methods and properties, refer to your SAP Scripting API documentation.

    You can use either forms of the following syntax:



    Set myObj=SAPGuiObject(description).Object
  • WPF Add-in: You can use the AutomationElement Property to access the common methods and properties provided by UI Automation that are specific to the element's control type.

    You can use the AutomationPattern Property to access the properties and methods provided by UI Automation for a specific instance of a Control Pattern of the element's control type.

  • .NET Windows Forms Add-in: If a native method's return value or a native property's value is a structure, OpenText Functional Testing returns a string value representing the structure (by invoking the structure's ToString method).


Note: The example is specific to a certain environment. However, the syntax and context can be applied to most other environments.

See also: