DelphiWindow Object
A Delphi window or dialog box.
The DelphiWindow object is learned for the following Delphi controls: TForm.
The sections below list the built-in methods and properties that you can use as operations for the DelphiWindow object.
Note: You can also view a list and descriptions of the DelphiWindow description properties, for use in object repository descriptions, programmatic descriptions, checkpoint and output value steps, and as argument values for the GetTOProperty and GetROProperty methods.
![]() | Activates the window or dialog box. |
![]() | Saves a screen capture of the object as a .png or .bmp image using the specified file name. |
![]() | Checks whether the actual value of an item matches the expected value. |
![]() | Checks whether the actual value of the specified object property matches the specified expected value within the specified timeout. |
![]() | Returns the collection of child objects contained within the object. |
![]() | Returns the collection of properties and current values from the object in the application. |
![]() | Clicks the object. |
![]() | Closes the window or dialog box. |
![]() | Double-clicks the object. |
![]() | Performs the 'drag' part of a drag and drop operation. |
![]() | Performs the 'drop' part of a drag and drop operation. |
![]() | Returns the current value of the description property from the object in the application. |
![]() | Checks whether the specified text string is contained in the specified window area. |
![]() | Returns the collection of properties and values used to identify the object. |
![]() | Returns the value of the specified description property from the test object description. |
![]() | Highlights the object in the application. |
![]() | Returns the text from the specified area. |
![]() | Maximizes the window or dialog box to fill the entire screen. |
![]() | Minimizes the window or dialog box to an icon. |
![]() | Moves the mouse pointer to the designated position inside the object. |
![]() | Moves the window or dialog box to the specified absolute location on the screen. |
![]() | Retrieves the current value of an item and stores it in a specified location. |
![]() | Instructs OpenText Functional Testing to re-identify the object in the application the next time a step refers to this object. |
![]() | Resizes the window or dialog box to the specified dimensions. |
![]() | Restores the window or dialog box to its previous size. |
![]() | Sets the value of the specified property of the object in the application. |
![]() | Sets the value of the specified description property in the test object description. |
![]() | Returns a string that represents the test object. |
![]() | Types the specified string in the object. |
![]() | Waits until the specified object property achieves the specified value or exceeds the specified timeout before continuing to the next step. |
![]() | Checks whether the object currently exists in the open application. |
Activate Method
Activates the window or dialog box.
object.Activate [BUTTON]
Parameter | Description |
Optional. A predefined constant or number. The mouse button used to click the window. Default value = micLeftBtn |
Return Type

'The following example activates the specified window.
Click Method
Clicks the object.
object.Click [X], [Y], [BUTTON]
Parameter | Description |
X |
Optional. An integer value. The x-coordinate of the click. Note that the specified coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the object. The default value is the center of the object. Default value = -9999 |
Y |
Optional. An integer value. The y-coordinate of the click. Note that the specified coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the object. The default value is the center of the object. Tip: You can enter micNoCoordinate (-9999) for the x and y argument values if you want to enter a value for the button argument without specifying x- and y- coordinates for the click. micNoCoordinate indicates the center of the object. Default value = -9999 |
Optional. A predefined constant or number. The mouse button used to click the object. Default value = micLeftBtn |
Return Type

'The following example sets the 'Accept' radio button to 'True'. Afterwards, 'the 'enabled' property of the 'Next' button is checked with the use of GetROProperty. 'If it is indeed enabled, it is clicked. Otherwise, an error is reported 'to the run results, and the 'Cancel' button is clicked. 'Set the radio button DelphiWindow("Ex_Dialog").DelphiRadioButton("Accept").Set 'Verify that the 'Next' button is enabled and click the enabled button bEnabled = DelphiWindow("Ex_Dialog").DelphiButton("Next").GetROProperty("enabled") If True = bEnabled Then DelphiWindow("Ex_Dialog").DelphiButton("Next").Click Else Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "RadioButton_Set_and_Button_Click_Example", "'Next' button is not enabled even though 'Accept' radio button was set to 'True'" DelphiWindow("Ex_Dialog").DelphiButton("Cancel").Click End If
Close Method
Closes the window or dialog box.
Return Type

'The following example verifies that an error message box is displayed when 'attempting to enter an invalid value(empty string) into a DataWindow cell. 'If it is displayed it uses the Close method to close it. 'Try to set a null value DelphiWindow("Main").DelphiTable("Table").SetCellData 1, 1, "" 'Verify that the error message was indeed popped bErrorMsgPopped = DelphiWindow("Main").DelphiWindow("ErrorMsg").Exist(1) If bErrorMsgPopped = False Then Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "ValidateErrorMessageForNullValue", "Error message was not popped when null value was set" Else DelphiWindow("Main").DelphiWindow("ErrorMsg").Close End If
DblClick Method
Double-clicks the object.
object.DblClick X, Y, [BUTTON]
Parameter | Description |
X |
Required. An integer value. The x-coordinate of the double-click. Note that the specified coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the object. |
Y |
Required. An integer value. The y-coordinate of the double-click. Note that the specified coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the object. |
Optional. A predefined constant or number. The mouse button used to double-click the object. Default value = micLeftBtn |
Return Type

'The following example uses the GetTextLocatation method to locate a button which 'is not recognized as a separate object, and then double clicks it. 'Find the text bFound = windowTO.GetTextLocation(iconLabel, left_x, top_y, right_x, bottom_y, True) If bFound = False Then DblClickUnrecognizedIcon = False Exit Function End If 'Double click the center of the button center_x = right_x - left_x center_y = bottom_y - top_y windowTO.DblClick center_x, center_y 'Set the return value DoubleClick_Example = True
Drag Method
Performs the 'drag' part of a drag and drop operation.
object.Drag X, Y, [BUTTON]
Parameter | Description |
X |
Required. An integer value. The x-coordinate within the window from which the object is dragged. Note that the specified coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the object. |
Y |
Required. An integer value. The y-coordinate within the window from which the object is dragged. Note that the specified coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the object. |
Optional. A predefined constant or number. The mouse button used to drag the object. Default value = micLeftBtn |
Return Type

'The following example uses the Drag and Drop methods to drag an item from its 'current location and drop it in a folder. 'Find the coordinate of the item sourceListView.GetTextLocation itemLabel, source_left_x, source_top_y, source_right_x, source_bottom_y, True source_center_x = (source_right_x + source_left_x) / 2 source_center_y = (source_bottom_y + source_top_y) / 2 'Find the coordinates of the folder item in target listview targetListView.GetTextLocation folderLabel, target_left_x, target_top_y, target_right_x, target_bottom_y, True target_center_x = (target_right_x + target_left_x) / 2 target_center_y = (target_bottom_y + target_top_y) / 2 'Execute the drag and drop operation sourceListView.Drag source_center_x, source_center_y, micLeftBtn targetListView.Drop target_center_x, target_center_y, micLeftBtn
Drop Method
Performs the 'drop' part of a drag and drop operation.
object.Drop X, Y, [BUTTON]
Parameter | Description |
X |
Required. An integer value. The x-coordinate of the object onto which the object is dropped. Note that the specified coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the object. |
Y |
Required. An integer value. The y-coordinate of the object onto which the object is dropped. Note that the specified coordinates are relative to the upper left corner of the object. |
Optional. A predefined constant or number. The mouse button that is released to drop the object. Default value = micLeftBtn |
Return Type

'The following example uses the Drag and Drop methods to drag an item from its 'current location and drop it in a folder. 'Find the coordinate of the item sourceListView.GetTextLocation itemLabel, source_left_x, source_top_y, source_right_x, source_bottom_y, True source_center_x = (source_right_x + source_left_x) / 2 source_center_y = (source_bottom_y + source_top_y) / 2 'Find the coordinates of the folder item in target listview targetListView.GetTextLocation folderLabel, target_left_x, target_top_y, target_right_x, target_bottom_y, True target_center_x = (target_right_x + target_left_x) / 2 target_center_y = (target_bottom_y + target_top_y) / 2 'Execute the drag and drop operation sourceListView.Drag source_center_x, source_center_y, micLeftBtn targetListView.Drop target_center_x, target_center_y, micLeftBtn
GetTextLocation Method
Checks whether the specified text string is contained in the specified window area.
object.GetTextLocation (TextToFind, Left, Top, Right, Bottom, [MatchWholeWordOnly])
Parameter | Description |
TextToFind |
Required. A String value. The text string you want to locate. |
Left |
Required. A Variant. The left coordinate of the search area within the window or screen, as a long integer. |
Top |
Required. A Variant. The top coordinate of the search area within the window or screen, as a long integer. |
Right |
Required. A Variant. The right coordinate of the search area within the window or screen, as a long integer. |
Bottom |
Required. A Variant. The bottom coordinate of the search area within the window or screen, as a long integer. Note: Set the Left, Top, Right, and Bottom coordinates to -1 to search for the text string within the object’s entire window. |
MatchWholeWordOnly |
Optional. A Boolean value. If True, the method searches for occurrences that are whole words only and not part of a larger word. If False, the method does not restrict the results to occurrences that are whole words only. Default value = True |
Return Type
A Boolean value.
This method returns the coordinates of the rectangle containing the first instance of the text into the Left, Top, Right, and Bottom arguments if the text is found.
- The text to capture must be visible in the application window when the step runs.
- This method returns True only if the TextToFind argument value is found within a single line in the specified area. The text search restarts on each line of text.
- If the TextToFind argument value includes a space, then this method searches for that text as whole words, regardless of the value set in the MatchWholeWords argument. For example, if you search for "a b" and the text "bla bla" exists, the method will still return False. However, if the MatchWholeWords argument is set to False, then a search for "la" in an area where "bla bla" exists, would return True.
- If the text is found (return value = True) and if the Left, Top, Right, and Bottom arguments are supplied as variables, then the method also returns the exact coordinates of the specified text to the supplied arguments (the returned coordinates overwrite the supplied ones).
- The results of this method may be different depending on the settings selected in the Text Recognition pane of the Options dialog box (Tools menu > Options item > GUI Testing tab > Text Recognition pane).
- The results of this method may be different in different run sessions depending on the operating system version you are using, service packs you have installed, other installed toolkits, or the APIs used in your application. Therefore, when possible, it is highly recommended to use the GetROProperty Method to retrieve the value of the text (or equivalent) property from an object in your application instead of using the GetTextLocation method.
- By default, when OpenText Functional Testing captures text for a text/text area checkpoint or output value step using the GetText, GetTextLocation, or GetVisibleText methods, it tries to retrieve the text directly from the object using a Windows API-based mechanism. If OpenText Functional Testing cannot capture the text this way (for example, because the text is part of a picture), it tries to capture the text using an OCR (optical character recognition) mechanism. For details about changing this behavior, see the Can QuickTest Professional Text Recognition behavior be modified Knowledgebase article (number KM202721).

'The following example uses the GetTextLocation method to locate the text on a 'button that has not been implemented with a separate control. Once the button 'is located, it is clicked. 'Find the text bFound = windowTO.GetTextLocation(buttonText, left_x, top_y, right_x, bottom_y, True) If bFound = False Then ClickUnrecognizedButton = False Exit Function End If 'Click the center of the button center_x = right_x - left_x center_y = bottom_y - top_y windowTO.Click center_x, center_y 'Set return value GetTextLocation_Example = True
GetVisibleText Method
Returns the text from the specified area.
object.GetVisibleText ([Left], [Top], [Right], [Bottom])
Parameter | Description |
Left |
Optional. A long integer value. The left coordinate of the search area within the object’s window. Default value = -1 |
Top |
Optional. A long integer value. The top coordinate of the search area the object’s window. Default value = -1 |
Right |
Optional. A long integer value. The right coordinate of the search area within the object’s window. Default value = -1 |
Bottom |
Optional. A long integer value. The bottom coordinate of the search area a within the object’s window. Note: If the Left, Top, Right, and Bottom arguments are not specified, the method returns all of the text within the visible part of the specified object. Default value = -1 |
Return Type
A String value.
- The text to capture must be visible in the application window when the step runs.
- The area is defined by pairs of coordinates that designate two diagonally opposite corners of a rectangle.
- The results of this method may be different depending on the settings selected in the Text Recognition pane of the Options dialog box (Tools menu > Options item > GUI Testing tab > Text Recognition pane).
- The results of this method may be different in different run sessions depending on the operating system version you are using, service packs you have installed, other installed toolkits, or the APIs used in your application. Therefore, when possible, it is highly recommended to use the GetROProperty Method to retrieve the value of the text (or equivalent) property from an object in your application instead of using the GetVisibleText method.
- By default, when OpenText Functional Testing captures text for a text/text area checkpoint or output value step using the GetText, GetTextLocation, or GetVisibleText methods, it tries to retrieve the text directly from the object using a Windows API-based mechanism. If OpenText Functional Testing cannot capture the text this way (for example, because the text is part of a picture), it tries to capture the text using an OCR (optical character recognition) mechanism. For details about changing this behavior, see the Can QuickTest Professional Text Recognition behavior be modified Knowledgebase article (number KM202721).

'The following example uses the GetVisibleText method to determine if an error 'message has been displayed. If it has, the function returns 'True'. allText = windowTO.GetVisibleText If InStr(allText, "Error") <> 0 Then NoError = False Exit Function End If GetVisibleText_Example = True
Maximize Method
Maximizes the window or dialog box to fill the entire screen.
Return Type

'The following example uses the Maximize method to maximize a window and check 'whether all its content fits, with no need for a vertical scroll bar. It then 'restores the window to its original size. window.Maximize hasVScroll = window.GetROProperty("HasVScroll") If hasVScroll Then Maximize_And_Restore = False Else Maximize_And_Restore = True End If 'Restore window to previous size window.Restore
Minimize Method
Minimizes the window or dialog box to an icon.
Return Type

'The following example uses the Minimize method to minimize all the windows. For Index = LBound(aWindows) To UBound(aWindows) Set curWindow = aWindows(Index) curWindow.Minimize Next
MouseMove Method
Moves the mouse pointer to the designated position inside the object.
object.MouseMove X, Y
Parameter | Description |
X |
Required. An integer value. |
Y |
Required. An integer value. |
Return Type
Move Method
Moves the window or dialog box to the specified absolute location on the screen.
object.Move X, Y
Parameter | Description |
X |
Required. An integer value. The new horizontal pixel location for the top left corner of the window or dialog box. |
Y |
Required. An integer value. The new vertical pixel location for the top left corner of the window or dialog box. |
Return Type

'The following example moves the specified window.
windowTO.Move x, y
Resize Method
Resizes the window or dialog box to the specified dimensions.
object.Resize Width, Height
Parameter | Description |
Width |
Required. An integer value. The new width of the window, in pixels. |
Height |
Required. An integer value. The new height of the window, in pixels. |
Return Type

'The following example uses the Resize method to check whether a 'child control is still at least partially visible, when its parent 'is set to a given size. 'Set parent to given size parent.Resize parentWidth, parentHeight 'Check if child control is still at least partially visible child_x = child.GetROProperty("x") child_y = child.GetROProperty("y") If child_x > parentWidth Or child_y > parentHeight Then Resize_Example = False Else Resize_Example = True End If
Restore Method
Restores the window or dialog box to its previous size.
Return Type

'The following example uses the Maximize method to maximize a window and check 'whether all its content fits, with no need for a vertical scroll bar. It then 'restores the window to its original size. window.Maximize hasVScroll = window.GetROProperty("HasVScroll") If hasVScroll Then Maximize_And_Restore = False Else Maximize_And_Restore = True End If 'Restore window to previous size window.Restore
SetROProperty Method
Sets the value of the specified property of the object in the application.
object.SetROProperty PropertyName, PropertyValue
Parameter | Description |
PropertyName |
Required. A String value. The name of the property you want to set. You can specify any test object description properties supported for the object, or any property of the run-time Delphi object. |
PropertyValue |
Required. A Variant. The value to set. |
Return Type

'The following example uses the SetROProperty to move the scroll bar 'to the specified position. scrollBarTO.SetROProperty "position", pos
Type Method
Types the specified string in the object.
object.Type KeyboardInput
Parameter | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
KeyboardInput |
Required. A String value. The text string and/or constants representing non-alphanumeric keys. The following constants are available:
Return Type
Although the Type method is supported for most objects, if you enter a Type statement for an object in which a user cannot enter text, the method has no visual effect.

'The following example uses the SetSelection method to replace the word "sad" 'with the word "happy". It then uses the SetCaretPos method to place the cursor at 'the eighth character position in the "Edit1" window, and type the word "very". DelphiWindow("Form1").DelphiEditor("RichEdit1").Type "I am happy." + micReturn DelphiWindow("Form1").DelphiEditor("RichEdit1").Type "You are sad." + micReturn DelphiWindow("Form1").DelphiEditor("RichEdit1").SetSelection 1, 8, 1, 11 DelphiWindow("Form1").DelphiEditor("RichEdit1").Type "happy" DelphiWindow("Form1").DelphiEditor("RichEdit1").SetCaretPos 1, 8 DelphiWindow("Form1").DelphiEditor("RichEdit1").Type "very "
See also: