App description properties
Object description properties can be used in the object repository description, in programmatic descriptions, in checkpoint and output value steps, and as argument values for the GetTOProperty and GetROProperty methods.
Note: To change descriptions of Mobile test objects created in OpenText Functional Testing 12.02 Patch 1 (Mobile Center 1.01) or earlier, first update the test object in the object repository.
The App test object supports the description properties listed in the table below.
Property Name | Description |
Class | The test object class name used by OpenText Functional Testing Lab to identify objects, such as button or table. |
Counter | The app upload number. 0 = Latest upload. |
identifier | The app identifier string. Required for descriptive programming. |
Instrumented | The app type, packaged or non-packaged. Required for descriptive programming. |
name | The name of the mobile app. |
type | The app's mobile OS. |
version | The app version. |
See also: