Wait Statement
Initiates a pause during a run session.
Wait Seconds, [Milliseconds]
Argument | Type | Description |
Seconds | Number | Number of seconds to wait between steps. |
Milliseconds | Number | Optional. Number of milliseconds to wait between steps. |

The following example uses the Wait method to pause 10 seconds before starting to select a tablet during the test run.
Browser("Advantage Shopping").Page("Advantage Shopping").Link("TabletsCategoryTxt").Click
Browser("Advantage Shopping").Page("Advantage Shopping").WebElement("HP ElitePad 1000 G2 Tablet").Click
See also:
- CallServiceTest Statement
- CreateObject64 Statement
- DescribeResult Statement
- ExecuteFile Statement
- ExitAction Statement
- ExitActionIteration Statement
- ExitComponent Statement
- ExitComponentIteration Statement
- ExitTest Statement
- ExitTestIteration Statement
- GetLastError Statement
- InvokeApplication Statement
- IsPartialRun Statement
- LoadAndRunAction Statement
- LoadFunctionLibrary Statement
- ManualStep Statement
- Print Statement
- RegisterUserFunc Statement
- RunAPITest Statement
- SetLastError Statement
- UnregisterUserFunc Statement
- Wait Statement