SAPWebExt Toolkit Environment


The objects, methods, and properties described in this section can be used when testing objects in your SAP Business Networks Web applications.

Note: SAPWebExt objects are supported in OpenText Functional Testing only when the OpenText Functional Testing Web Add-in and the SAPWebExt sub-add-in are installed and loaded.

Supported Test Objects

Test ObjectDescription
SAPWebExt CalendarA calendar object in a SAP Business Networks Web application.
SAPWebExtCheckBoxA checkbox object in a SAP Business Networks Web application.
SAPWebExtListA list control in a SAP Business Networks Web application.
SAPWebExtMenuA menu control in a SAP Business Networks Web application.
SAPWebExtRadioButtonA radio button object in a SAP Business Networks Web application.
SAPWebExtTabStripA tab strip control in a SAP Business Networks Web application.
SAPWebExtTableA table control in a SAP Business Networks Web application.