UIAProMenu description properties

The UIAProMenu test object supports the description properties listed in the table below.

For a list of the object's native properties and methods, see the Menu Control Type in the Microsoft online Windows Accessibility API reference.

Property NameDescription

The object's absolute x-coordinate (left) relative to the screen (in pixels). 0,0 is always the top-left corner of the (primary) monitor.

If you are working with multiple monitors, the coordinate in the secondary monitor is relative to the primary monitor.

For example, given a resolution of 1280 x 1024 in the primary monitor, if the secondary monitor is positioned to the right of the primary monitor, the x-coordinate is 1280 or greater. If the secondary monitor is placed to the left of the primary monitor, the x-coordinate is negative.


The object's absolute y-coordinate (top) relative to the screen (in pixels). 0,0 is always the top-left corner of the (primary) monitor.

If you are working with multiple monitors, the coordinate in the secondary monitor is relative to the primary monitor.

For example, given a resolution of 1280x1024 in the primary monitor, if the secondary monitor is positioned below the primary monitor, the y-coordinate is 1024 or greater. If the secondary monitor is placed above the primary monitor, the y-coordinate is negative.

acceleratorkeyThe sequence of key combinations that invoke an action associated with the element.
accesskeyThe character that is used to activate the object.
automationidAn ID for an object that is unique among siblings within its container.
controltypeThe UIAutomation type for the object.
frameworkidThe name of the UI framework, such as Win32, WinForm, or DirectUI.

Indicates whether the element currently has keyboard focus.

Possible values:

  • True

  • False

heightThe object's height (in pixels).
hwndThe handle of the run-time object's window.

Indicates whether the object is enabled.

Possible values:

  • True

  • False


Indicates whether the element currently can have keyboard focus.

Possible values:

  • True

  • False


Indicates whether the UI Automation element is visible on the screen.

Possible values:

  • True

  • False


Indicates whether the UI Automation element contains protected content.

Possible values:

  • True

  • False

nameThe name of the control.
nativeclassThe class name assigned to the object.
pathThe hierarchy of the object.
processidThe ID of the process.
processnameThe name of the process.
statusThe status of the object.
supportedpatternsA semi-colon delimited list of the patterns supported by the object.
widthThe object's width (in pixels).

The object's x-coordinate (left), relative to the parent window (in pixels).


The object's y-coordinate (top), relative to the parent window (in pixels).

See also: