YahooUI Toolkit Library
The objects, methods, and properties described in this section can be used when testing Yahoo User Interface objects.
- Yahoo User Interface objects are supported in OpenText Functional Testing only when the OpenText Functional Testing Web Add-in and Yahoo User Interface sub-add-in are installed and loaded.
- Yahoo User Interface test objects extend test objects from the OpenText Functional Testing Web Add-in and inherit many of their methods and properties from those objects.
Supported Test Objects
Test Object | Description |
YUICalendar | A YahooUI calendar control. |
YUIComboButton | A YahooUI control that has a regular button on the left, and on the right has a down arrow that opens a drop-down menu. |
YUIDialogBox | A YahooUI dialog box control. |
YUIDropDownButton | A YahooUI button that opens a drop-down menu. |
YUILinkButton | A YahooUI button control that functions like a hyperlink control. |
YUIMenu | A YahooUI menu control that can contain menus, sub-menus, and menu items. |
YUIRadioGroup | A YahooUI radio button group. |
YUIRichTextArea | A YahooUI rich text area that allows complex editing, styling, and formatting. |
YUISlider | A YahooUI slider control. |
YUITable | A YahooUI table control. |
YUITabStrip | A YahooUI tabstrip control. |
YUIToggleButton | A YahooUI toggle button control, which can be pressed to toggle between On (pressed) and Off (released) states. |
YUITree | A YahooUI tree control. |