YahooUI Toolkit Library


The objects, methods, and properties described in this section can be used when testing Yahoo User Interface objects.


  • Yahoo User Interface objects are supported in OpenText Functional Testing only when the OpenText Functional Testing Web Add-in and Yahoo User Interface sub-add-in are installed and loaded.
  • Yahoo User Interface test objects extend test objects from the OpenText Functional Testing Web Add-in and inherit many of their methods and properties from those objects.

Supported Test Objects

Test ObjectDescription
YUICalendarA YahooUI calendar control.
YUIComboButtonA YahooUI control that has a regular button on the left, and on the right has a down arrow that opens a drop-down menu.
YUIDialogBoxA YahooUI dialog box control.
YUIDropDownButtonA YahooUI button that opens a drop-down menu.
YUILinkButtonA YahooUI button control that functions like a hyperlink control.
YUIMenuA YahooUI menu control that can contain menus, sub-menus, and menu items.
YUIRadioGroupA YahooUI radio button group.
YUIRichTextAreaA YahooUI rich text area that allows complex editing, styling, and formatting.
YUISliderA YahooUI slider control.
YUITableA YahooUI table control.
YUITabStripA YahooUI tabstrip control.
YUIToggleButtonA YahooUI toggle button control, which can be pressed to toggle between On (pressed) and Off (released) states.
YUITreeA YahooUI tree control.