jQueryUI Toolkit Library


The objects, methods, and properties described in this section can be used when testing jQuery UI objects.


  • jQuery UI objects are supported in OpenText Functional Testing only when the OpenText Functional Testing Web Add-in and jQuery UI sub-add-in are installed and loaded.
  • jQuery UI test objects extend test objects from the OpenText Functional Testing Web Add-in and inherit many of their operations ad description properties from those objects.

Supported Test Objects

Test ObjectDescription
jQUIAccordionA jQuery UI accordion control, with one panel expanded at a time.
jQUICalendarA jQuery UI calendar control.
jQUIListA jQuery UI list control, in which more than one item can be selected at a time.
jQUISliderA jQuery UI slider control.
jQUITabStripA jQuery UI tab strip control.
jQUIToggleButtonA jQuery UI toggle button control, which can be pressed to toggle between On (pressed) and Off (released) states.