CreateUserDefinedObject Method
Defines and returns a new, user-defined object, which is mapped to the standard Windows class of the object in the statement.
Visual Basic
Public Function CreateUserDefinedObject( _
   ByVal bsClassName As String _
) As TestObjectClassIdentification
The class name for the user-defined class.
Return Type
  • If the class of the TestObjectClassIdentification object in the statement is a user-defined object, then this method returns error: CO_E_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x80004021L)--The operation attempted is not supported.
  • If the class of the TestObjectClassIdentification object in the statement is not a standard Windows test object class, then this method returns error: E_INVAliDARG (0x80000003L)--One or more arguments are invalid.

The object you create is mapped to the same class as the TestObjectClassIdentification object in the statement.   Therefore, the TestObjectClassIdentification object in the statement must be a standard Windows class object.

You can use all standard TestObjectClassIdentification object methods and properties with the newly created (and returned) user-defined TestObjectClassIdentification object.

See Also