Tutorial: Create support for a custom web control

In this lesson you use Extensibility Accelerator to create support for the Book control in the Web Add-in Extensibility Book Sample toolkit, which is installed with Extensibility Accelerator for Functional Testing. Creating support for the Book control requires only minimal customization, allowing you to learn the basics of working with Extensibility Accelerator and developing a Web Add-in Extensibility toolkit support set.

Perform this tutorial on a computer with UFT One and Extensibility Accelerator for Functional Testing installed. This simplifies the process of deploying the toolkit support set to UFT One. When you develop your own support, you can develop it in on a computer without UFT One and then deploy the support to other computers.

The C:\Users\Public\Documents\ExtAccTool\Samples\WebExtSample folder contains a complete toolkit support set for this sample to which you can refer while you perform this lesson (although the sample is not identical to the support you create).

Note: Version 2023 includes an updated version of this sample project.

The UFT One  Web Add-in Extensibility Developer Guide includes a similar tutorial, where you design support for this control manually, without the help of Extensibility Accelerator.

This lesson includes: