Import an existing toolkit support set

This task describes how to import an existing Web Add-in Extensibility toolkit support set. This creates a new Extensibility Accelerator project that contains the support set's files.

Note: This task is part of a higher-level task. For details, see Create or update support for a custom toolkit.

  1. Prerequisites

    The Web Add-in Extensibility toolkit support set that you want to import must have the structure of a toolkit support set deployed to UFT One, as described in the section on deploying toolkit support sets in the UFT One  Web Add-in Extensibility Developer Guide.

    This means that the XML files are in specific locations, and the locations of the rest of the files, such as JavaScript files, icon files, and Help files, are specified in the XML files.

    A standard toolkit support set has the following structure:

    Parent folder (e.g. <UFT installation>\dat\Extensibility\Web)
    	|---<ToolkitName>TestObjects.xml file
    	|---Toolkits folder:
    		|---<ToolkitName> folder
    			|---<ToolkitName>.xml file
    			|---JavaScript files 
    					(optionally stored in a 
    					JavaScript subfolder)
    			|---Res folder with icon files 
    			|---Help folder with .chm files 
  2. Import the toolkit support set

    Select File > Import Toolkit Support Set and use the Import Toolkit Support Set dialog box that opens to browse to the toolkit support set and import it.

  3. Results

    The toolkit support set files are copied into a newly created Extensibility Accelerator project. For details on the project file structure, see Project Explorer.

    If Open imported project was selected in the Import Toolkit Support Set dialog box, the new extensibility project opens. Otherwise, the dialog box remains open, enabling you to import additional support sets.