Class ObjectCS

  extended bycom.mercury.ftjadin.infra.abstr.ObjectCS

public class ObjectCS
extends java.lang.Object

The ObjectCS class is the base class for all the custom support classes. Each primary toolkit implements a single master class that directly inherits ObjectCS. The other classes of the toolkit inherit from that class. Classes that inherit from the master class are AWT-ComponentCS and SWT-ControlCS.

Field Summary
static intALT
          Keystroke modifier: alt key.
static intCONTROL
          Keystroke modifier: control key.
          Keystroke modifier: control and shift pressed simultaneously.
static intLEFT
          Mouse-click modifier: left mouse button.
static java.lang.StringLIST_OF_VALUES_METHOD_SUFFIX
static intLOCK
          Keystroke modifier: caps-lock on.
static intMIDDLE
          Mouse-click modifier: middle mouse button.
static intNONE
          No keystroke modifier.
static intRIGHT
          Mouse-click modifier: right mouse button.
static intSHIFT
          Keystroke modifier: shift key.
static intUNKNOWN
          Unrecognized code.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  voidaddSimpleListener(java.lang.String listenerName, java.lang.String addMethodName, java.lang.String removeMethodName)
          Adds the calling custom support object as a simple listener.
protected  voidaddSimpleListener(java.lang.String listenerName, java.lang.String addMethodName, java.lang.String removeMethodName, java.util.EventListener listener)
          Adds the simple listener specified with the listener argument.
 java.lang.Stringattached_text_attr(java.lang.Object obj)
          Returns the text of adjacent static-text objects.
 java.lang.Stringclass_attr(java.lang.Object obj)
          Returns the name of the generic type of the test object class mapped to the custom control.
 java.util.VectorenumChildren(java.lang.Object obj)
          Returns all those children of an object that are to be recognized for recording.
protected  booleangenericEventHandling(java.lang.Object event)
          Checks whether the specified event is handled in a generic manner.
 java.awt.RectanglegetAbsPos(java.lang.Object obj)
          Returns the absolute coordinates of the object, that is, the coordinates relative to the entire monitor display.
 java.lang.String[]getArgumentListOfValues(java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String methodName, int argIndex)
          Returns the possible values for a method argument.
protected  java.lang.String[]getAttributes(java.lang.Object obj)
          gets the attributes for GetTOProperty, GetROProperty, SetTOProperty, WaitProperty
protected static CustomClassManagergetCustomClassManager()
          Returns the AgentManager's CustomClassManager.
 java.lang.ObjectgetParent(java.lang.Object obj)
          Returns the parent object in the Mercury object hierarchy.
protected static RecordergetRecorder()
          Returns the AgentManager's Recorder.
 java.lang.String[]GetROProperty1_ListOfValues(java.lang.Object o)
 java.lang.ObjectgetWrapperObject(java.lang.Object wrappedObj)
          Returns the object that is the wrapper for the specified object.
static booleanisInRecord()
          Checks whether UFT is in a recording session.
 java.lang.Stringlabel_attr(java.lang.Object obj)
          Returns the label property.
protected  RetvalprepareObject(java.lang.Object obj, boolean bMakeVisible, boolean bWaitVisible, boolean bWaitEnabled, int timeLeft)
          A service method called before any custom replay operation.
          Performs registration of a RecordWrapper for this object's inner objects.
 java.lang.Stringtag_attr(java.lang.Object obj)
          Returns the tag property.
 java.lang.Stringto_class_attr(java.lang.Object obj)
          Returns the name of the test object class mapped to the custom control.
 java.lang.String[]WaitProperty1_ListOfValues(java.lang.Object o)


Field Detail


public static final int NONE
No keystroke modifier.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SHIFT
Keystroke modifier: shift key.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CONTROL
Keystroke modifier: control key.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CONTROL_SHIFT
Keystroke modifier: control and shift pressed simultaneously.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int LOCK
Keystroke modifier: caps-lock on.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ALT
Keystroke modifier: alt key.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int LEFT
Mouse-click modifier: left mouse button.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RIGHT
Mouse-click modifier: right mouse button.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MIDDLE
Mouse-click modifier: middle mouse button.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int UNKNOWN
Unrecognized code.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String LIST_OF_VALUES_METHOD_SUFFIX
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public ObjectCS()
Method Detail


protected static final Recorder getRecorder()
Returns the AgentManager's Recorder.


protected static final CustomClassManager getCustomClassManager()
Returns the AgentManager's CustomClassManager.


public java.lang.String[] getArgumentListOfValues(java.lang.Object obj,
 java.lang.String methodName,
 int argIndex)
Returns the possible values for a method argument. For example, if a combo box is passed as the object, and select is passed as the method, getArgumentListOfValues returns an array of strings each containing the text representation of a value that can be selected.

obj - The GUI object for which the method is invoked.
methodName - The name of the method.
argIndex - The index in the method's argument list for which the to retrieve the list.
An array of the string representations of possible values for the method argument.


public java.lang.String to_class_attr(java.lang.Object obj)
Returns the name of the test object class mapped to the custom control.


public void registerWrapperInspector()
Performs registration of a RecordWrapper for this object's inner objects. This method is called by every support class constructor. Support classes that support compound objects should override this method's default implementation. Your implementation should call registerWrapperInspector once for each class this object wraps.

See Also:


public java.lang.Object getWrapperObject(java.lang.Object wrappedObj)
Returns the object that is the wrapper for the specified object. If wrappedObj is not wrapped, returns null. This method is called by the QTP infrastructure only if the custom support object declared itself as a wrapper of objects of the type of wrappedObj.

wrappedObj - The object for whose type to find a wrapper object.


public java.util.Vector enumChildren(java.lang.Object obj)
Returns all those children of an object that are to be recognized for recording. Returns null if the object does not have subcomponents. enumChildren is implemented in the ContainerCS class to return all children of the container.

obj - The container whose recordable children are returned.
The Vector of the recordable children.


public java.lang.Object getParent(java.lang.Object obj)
Returns the parent object in the Mercury object hierarchy. This is usually the same hierarchy found in a toolkit.

obj - The object for which to get the parent.
The parent object.


public java.awt.Rectangle getAbsPos(java.lang.Object obj)
Returns the absolute coordinates of the object, that is, the coordinates relative to the entire monitor display. The basic implementation of the function returns the results of four objGetInfo() calls with arguments abs_x, abs_y, width, and height. The function is overridden in the ComponentCS class for better performance.

obj - The object for which to get coordinates.
A Rectangle containing the object's absolute position.


public static final boolean isInRecord()
Checks whether UFT is in a recording session. The method is called by the UFT infrastructure when the support class sends a Record message. If isInRecord is false, the message is ignored.
Call this method from your application to avoid destructive or time-consuming calculations or other activities that are not required unless UFT is recording.


protected Retval prepareObject(java.lang.Object obj,
 boolean bMakeVisible,
 boolean bWaitVisible,
 boolean bWaitEnabled,
 int timeLeft)
A service method called before any custom replay operation.

obj - The object to prepare for the replay operation.
bMakeVisible - If true, makes the object visible before the replay.
bWaitVisible - If true, waits either for the object to be visible or for the timeout. If timed out, replay continues with no error.
bWaitEnabled - If true, waits either for the object to be enabled or for the timeout. If timed out, replay continues with no error.
timeLeft - The time remaining in the timeout. The routine that calls this method controls the timeout loop.


public java.lang.String class_attr(java.lang.Object obj)
Returns the name of the generic type of the test object class mapped to the custom control. For example, class_attr may return object, button, edit, menu, or static_text.


public java.lang.String label_attr(java.lang.Object obj)
Returns the label property. If not overridden, returns the label property of the superclass or the text of an adjacent static text.


public java.lang.String tag_attr(java.lang.Object obj)
Returns the tag property. The default implementation is:
For non-object classes tag_attr searches, in this order, the label attribute, the attached_text attribute, and the custom class name. It returns the first non-empty attribute.
For object classes, the class name is returned.
To change the name of a custom control test object, do not override tag_attr in the support class. Override the label_attr.


public java.lang.String attached_text_attr(java.lang.Object obj)
Returns the text of adjacent static-text objects. This is useful for controls like edit boxes that do not have their own descriptive text, but have an adjacent label.


protected boolean genericEventHandling(java.lang.Object event)
Checks whether the specified event is handled in a generic manner.


protected void addSimpleListener(java.lang.String listenerName,
 java.lang.String addMethodName,
 java.lang.String removeMethodName)
Adds the calling custom support object as a simple listener.

listenerName - The name of the listener.
addMethodName - The name of the add method.
removeMethodName - The name of the remove method.


protected void addSimpleListener(java.lang.String listenerName,
 java.lang.String addMethodName,
 java.lang.String removeMethodName,
 java.util.EventListener listener)
Adds the simple listener specified with the listener argument.

listenerName - The name of the listener.
addMethodName - The name of the add method.
removeMethodName - The name of the remove method.
listener - The EventListener.


protected java.lang.String[] getAttributes(java.lang.Object obj)
gets the attributes for GetTOProperty, GetROProperty, SetTOProperty, WaitProperty

obj - the object inspected
String[] of the attributes


public java.lang.String[] GetROProperty1_ListOfValues(java.lang.Object o)


public java.lang.String[] WaitProperty1_ListOfValues(java.lang.Object o)