TestingEnvironment Schema
Operation Element
A single method or property of a test object class.
AdditionalInfo ElementReturnValueType ElementArgument ElementIconInfo ElementHelpInfo ElementDocumentation ElementDescription ElementSequenceOperation Element
A single method or property of a test object class.
Name required RestrictedString Simple Type
The name of the operation.
PropertyType optional Restriction of PropertType Simple Type
The operation type. Either Method or up to three Property specifications.
ExposureLevel optional Restriction of xs:string
Specifies the exposure level of the operation. It can be common used and exposed to all users, or exposed only to experts.
SortLevel optional xs:integer
The sort level of the operation. Numbers below zero move the item up in the list. Numbers above zero move the item down.
Description optional xs:string
The description of the element.
Documentation 0..∞ Extension of xs:string
The documentation string for the operation.
NumOfArguments optional xs:integer
The number of arguments that require values to be specified in order to show the documentation string for the operation.
HelpInfo optional
Context-sensitive Help information for the element.
HelpFile required xs:string
The file system path to the file which contains the help information.
HelpContext optional xs:integer
The context identifier for the location inside the help file where the information resides.
IconInfo optional
Icon information for the element.
IconFile required xs:string
The file system path to the file which contains the icon. Can be a dll, exe, or ico file.
IconIndex optional xs:integer
The index to the location of the icon inside the dll or exe.
Argument 0..∞
The argument definitions for the operation.
Name required RestrictedString Simple Type
The argument name.
IsMandatory required xs:boolean
Specifies whether the argument is mandatory.
DefaultValue optional xs:string
The default value for this argument.
Direction optional Restriction of xs:string
Specifies whether this argument is an input argument or an output argument.
The data type.
VariantType optional Variant Simple Type
The variant type of the argument.
ListOfValuesName optional xs:IDREF
The name of the list of values of the argument. Can be one of the list of values names defined in this XML.
Description optional xs:string
The description of the element.
HelpInfo optional
Context-sensitive Help information for the element.
HelpFile required xs:string
The file system path to the file which contains the help information.
HelpContext optional xs:integer
The context identifier for the location inside the help file where the information resides.
AdditionalInfo optional
Placeholder for additional information.
ReturnValueType optional
The return value's data type.
The data type.
VariantType optional Variant Simple Type
The variant type of the argument.
ListOfValuesName optional xs:IDREF
The name of the list of values of the argument. Can be one of the list of values names defined in this XML.
AdditionalInfo optional
Placeholder for additional information.
AdditionalInfo optional
Placeholder for additional information.
NameRestrictedString Simple Typerequired  The name of the operation.
PropertyTypeRestriction of PropertType Simple TypeoptionalMethod The operation type. Either Method or up to three Property specifications.
ExposureLevelRestriction of xs:stringoptionalExpert Specifies the exposure level of the operation. It can be common used and exposed to all users, or exposed only to experts.
SortLevelxs:integeroptional0 The sort level of the operation. Numbers below zero move the item up in the list. Numbers above zero move the item down.
<xs:element name="Operation" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    <xs:documentation>A single method or property of a test object class.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element ref="Description" minOccurs="0"  />
      <xs:element ref="Documentation" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"  />
      <xs:element ref="HelpInfo" minOccurs="0"  />
      <xs:element ref="IconInfo" minOccurs="0"  />
      <xs:element ref="Argument" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"  />
      <xs:element ref="ReturnValueType" minOccurs="0"  />
      <xs:element ref="AdditionalInfo" minOccurs="0"  />
    <xs:attribute name="Name" type="RestrictedString" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>The name of the operation.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="PropertyType" default="Method">
        <xs:documentation>The operation type. Either Method or up to three Property specifications.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:restriction base="PropertType">
          <xs:maxLength value="3"  />
    <xs:attribute name="ExposureLevel" use="optional" default="Expert">
        <xs:documentation>Specifies the exposure level of the operation. It can be common used and exposed to all users, or exposed only to experts.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
          <xs:enumeration value="Expert"  />
          <xs:enumeration value="CommonUsed"  />
    <xs:attribute name="SortLevel" type="xs:integer" use="optional" default="0">
        <xs:documentation>The sort level of the operation. Numbers below zero move the item up in the list. Numbers above zero move the item down.</xs:documentation>
See Also