Where Do You Go from Here?

In this section you learned how the QuickID Testing Agent was developed. Through this process, you learned how to create the infrastructure for a Testing Agent, introduce a new environment to UFT One, and support running environment-specific UFT One GUI tests on applications that belong to this environment. You also learned how to implement most of the ITestable methods, and how to support additional UFT One features: the Object Spy, recording tests, and highlighting objects in the application.

UFT One Testing Extensibility enables you to support additional UFT One capabilities that the QuickID Testing Agent does not support. For example, you can also create support for: Active Screen, learning objects, accessing native properties and operations, and Smart Identification.

The purpose of this lesson and of the QuickID Testing Agent design is to provide simple step-by-step instructions for designing a working Testing Agent, and to teach you the basics of implementing UFT One Testing Extensibility. You can now use the process and concepts that you learned to design your own Testing Agent. You can find more detailed information about developing your Testing Agent's support for the different UFT One features in the other sections of this guide.