Welcome to Code Samples Plus Help

Code samples plus is a supplemental kit provided with OpenText Functional Testing that contains a set of commonly used VBScript script excerpts, function library functions, and test samples.


The samples are divided into the following sections:

  • Function Libraries contains a set of commonly used VBScript script excerpts and function library functions.
  • Flight Application Test Samples describes available tests and utilities that allow you to check the behavior of the sample flight applications.

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Prerequisite Background

This guide is intended for users who will be writing their own scripts and are familiar with the features and options of OpenText Functional Testing.

This guide should be used in conjunction with the Help Center.

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Sample Applications

You can access the following sample applications from the Start menu. These applications are the basis for many examples in this guide:

  • Advantage Online Shopping sample Web site. The URL for this Web site is https://advantageonlineshopping.com.

  • Flight reservation application. You can access the Flight GUI or Flight API applications from the Start menu.

    These applications are also available from the file system at:  <Installdir\samples\Flights Appilcation\FlightsGUI.exe (for the Flight GUI application) or <Installdir>\samples\Flight_Application\FlightsAPI.exe (for the Flight API application)

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