Enumerations designer

This designer enables you to define lists of values that can be used for test object operation arguments or return values in the current project.

To access

Select View > Enumerations.

Relevant tasks

Design test object class operations

See also

Operations tab (Test Object Class designer)

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Elements


Enumeration Names

The name for the list of values.

This area includes:

  • A toolbar that enables you to add or delete enumeration lists.

  • Name. The name of the enumeration list. Click in this box to edit the name.\

    Note: In this edit box, you can enter only English letters, numeric characters, hyphens, and underscores. The first character must be a letter.

Stored in: ListOfValues element in the test object configuration XML file

Enumeration Values

The names and values of the items in the list that is currently selected in the Enumeration Names area.

This area includes:

  • A toolbar that enables you to add, delete, or change the order of items in the list.

    Adding a value always adds it to the bottom of the list.

  • Name. The name of the enumeration item. Click in this box to edit the name.

    Note: (In this edit box, you can enter only English letters, numeric characters, hyphens, and underscores. The first character must be a letter.)

  • Value. The integer value of the enumeration item. Click in this box to edit the value.

    Default value: The value of the last item in the list + 1

Stored in: ListOfValues\EnumValue element in the test object configuration XML file