ListOfValues Element


The function UFT should call to retrieve lists of possible values for test object method arguments.

Important Information

  • The function specified in this element is called only for arguments that are defined as having dynamic lists of possible values (in other words, arguments whose DynamicListOfValues attribute in the test object configuration file is set to true).
  • If no specific function is assigned to provide a list of values for a given argument, UFT calls the function get_list_of_values to return the possible values.


file_namestringoptional The file system path to the file containing the function. If no path is specified, the default file name defined in the Control\Settings element is used.

You can specify a path relative to the <UFT_One_installdir>\dat\Extensibility\Web\Toolkits\<Toolkit name> folder.

functionstringoptional The name of the implementation function.
typestringoptionaljavascriptThe type of implementation function.

Used By


                                        xs:element xmlns:xs="" name="ListOfValues">
        <xs:documentation>The function UFT should call to retrieve lists of possible values for test object method arguments.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:attributeGroup ref="ImpFuncAttrs" />