Naming Test Object Classes and Test Object Methods and Properties
You must provide a unique name for each test object class. Use descriptive names that indicate the type of object and the testing environment to which the object belongs. This makes it easier for the UFT One user to understand tests.
To indicate the testing environment in the test object class name, you can add a common prefix to all of the test object class names that belong to your environment. For example, the testing environment defined to support Foo Technologies applications might have a FooButton, FooCheckBox, and a FooBar.
The name of a test object method should clearly indicate the operation that the method performs. The names of a test object method argument should clearly indicate the value that needs to be entered for the argument.
The following rules apply to names of test object classes, test object methods, test object method arguments, and test object identification properties:
Names may not contain non-English letters or characters
Names must begin with a letter and cannot contain spaces or any of the following characters: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + = [ ] \ { } | ; ` : " , / < > ?
Do not use any of the reserved test object method names for the test object methods of your objects. For a list of these test object methods, see Reserved Test Object Methods.
Do not use the names of any test object classes for the test object methods you define.
To maintain consistency with UFT One types and functions, use PascalCasing for test object class names and test object method names.