Providing a Help File for Customized Test Object Classes
As part of the UFT One online Help, UFT One provides an Object Model Reference for the test object classes that it defines. The reference is intended to help the UFT One users use UFT One test objects, methods, and properties in their tests. In addition, when F1 is pressed for a test object or test object method in the Keyword View or Editor, or when the Operation Help button is clicked for a test object method in the Step Generator, UFT One opens the Object Model Reference to the relevant location.
When you modify test object classes or define new ones, using test object configuration XML definitions, you can provide similar (.chm) Help files for the test objects, methods, and properties that you define. Deploy these Help files as part of your toolkit support set and inform the users where they can be found. You can store the Help files in any convenient location. For example, in a <UFT_One_installdir>\dat\Extensibility\<UFT One Add-in name>\Toolkits\<Environment name>\help folder. In the test object configuration XML, you define HelpInfo elements for test object classes and test object methods, specifying the Help file path and the relevant Help ID within the file.
Caution: The Help file name must be different from the names of the Help files provided in the <UFT_One_installdir>\help folder.
When F1 or the Operation Help button is pressed for a test object class or test object method for which you defined a HelpInfo element, UFT One opens the context-sensitive Help topic you specified. For inherited test object methods that do not have a HelpInfo element, UFT One opens the Help provided for the base test object class.
In the Help that you provide for your test object classes, it is helpful to specify the following information for each test object class:
The base test object class that this test object class extends (include a note explaining that the descriptions for inherited test object methods not covered in this Help can be found in the Help for the base test object class).
A list of the available test object methods (including the inherited methods).
Descriptions of the test object methods that you defined, including the method's purpose, syntax, arguments, return value, and any other relevant information.
A list of the available identification properties and descriptions for those properties.