Get Property Value
Returns the value of the specified property.
function get_property_value(property)
Return Value
The value of the specified property. If not found, returns nothing.
- Implementing this function is mandatory. The minimum implementation returns the logical_name property.
- This function provides values for the identification properties defined in a test object configuration file as well as the logical_name property that UFT uses to name the test object. If the function does not return a value, UFT uses the inherited or default implementation for the property.
- The default function name is get_property_value. You can specify a different function name in the toolkit configuration file. For example:
<Properties type="javascript" function="get_myproperty_value"/>
This example returns the text in the first cell of the table as the value of properties logical_name or title.
function get_property_value(property)
if ( property == "logical_name" || property == "title" )
// For the "title" identification property, as well as the "logical_name"
// property, return the inner text of the first cell in the first row
return GetTableElem().rows[0].cells[0].innerText;