Deploying and Testing the Toolkit Support Set (for Stage 6)

After developing the support for recording on the UsedBooks control, you deploy the updated toolkit support set to UFT One and test it.

To test the support for recording operations performed on the UsedBooks control:

  1. Make sure that your most updated files are located in <UFT_One_installdir>\dat\Extensibility\Web\Toolkits\WebExtSample.

  2. Close and reopen UFT One. Select the check box for WebExtSample in the Add-in Manager dialog box and click OK. UFT One opens and loads the support you designed.

  3. Close and rerun the UsedBooks sample control.

  4. Open a GUI test and click the Record button or select Record > Record. In the UsedBooks table, select one of the radio buttons and then click Select.

    A new step is added to the test only after you click Select:

    Click the Stop button or select Record > Stop to end the recording session.

The Book custom control is now fully supported, according to the specifications you decided on when planning your custom support.

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