Deploying and Testing the Toolkit Support Set (for Stage 5)
After developing support for retrieving run-time values of identification properties, you deploy the updated toolkit support set to UFT One and test it.
To test the support for retrieving run-time values of identification properties:
Make sure that your most updated files are located in <UFT_One_installdir>\dat\Extensibility\Web\Toolkits\WebExtSample.
Close and reopen UFT One. Select the check box for WebExtSample in the Add-in Manager dialog box and click OK. UFT One opens and loads the support you designed.
Close and rerun the sample control.
Create a new GUI test, add a WebExtBook test object to your object repository, and create a test step with this test object. Right-click the object and select Insert Standard Checkpoint. The Checkpoint Properties dialog box opens. Make sure that the identification properties you defined in the test object configuration file (title, authors, price, and min_used_price) are included in the list of properties and are selected.
Create and run a test that retrieves each identification property and checks its value, or displays it in a message box. For example, you can run the following test:
The first step checks the value of the authors property, the checkpoint in the second step checks the properties selected in the checkpoint (in this case price and min_used_price) and the third step displays the book's title in a message box.
Click OK to close the message box. The test run is completed and the run results are displayed. Expand the run results tree to view the step details.
Continue to Stage 6: Changing the Name of the Test Object.