Web Add-in Extensibility Samples

The Web 2.0 Feature Pack for Functional Testing provides a number of completed toolkit support sets from which you can learn more about Web Add-in Extensibility.

  • Installing the Web 2.0 Toolkit Support for UFT One from this feature pack on a UFT One computer installs child add-ins under the Web Add-in that support some public Web 2.0 toolkits: ASP.NET AJAX, GWT, YahooUI, and Dojo. These add-ins are toolkit support sets that were developed using Web Add-in Extensibility. The files that comprise these toolkit support sets are available in <UFT_One_installdir>\dat\Extensibility\Web folder and in the Toolkits subfolder within this folder.

  • Installing Extensibility Accelerator installs sample Web Add-in Extensibility projects that contain the Web 2.0 toolkit support sets mentioned above.

    The sample projects are installed in the %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Documents\ExtAccTool\Samples folder, and are also accessible from the Extensibility Accelerator Start Page. You can open these projects in Extensibility Accelerator and browse through the files, functions, and comments to learn more about how these support sets are designed. You can also modify these sample projects and experiment with them. Backup copies of the sample projects are installed in the <Extensibility_Accelerator_installdir>\Help\Samples folder.

  • Installing Extensibility Accelerator also installs a sample Book application, and the Web Add-in Extensibility project containing the toolkit support set for this application.

    • The application is installed in %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Documents\ExtAccTool\Samples\WebExtSample\Application\Book.htm

    • The Web Add-in Extensibility project containing the toolkit support set for the Book application is installed in %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Documents\ExtAccTool\Samples\WebExtSample.

    • In Tutorial: Learning to Create Web Custom Toolkit Support, you create a similar toolkit support set for the Book application and deploy it to UFT One (without using Extensibility Accelerator).

      The OpenText UFT One Extensibility Accelerator for Functional Testing User Guide includes a tutorial in which you create support for this control using Extensibility Accelerator.