Example: Manipulate Object Repositories Using the Object Repository Automation Objects and Methods

The following example retrieves an object repository's objects and properties, looks for specific test objects using several methods, and copies a test object to another object repository.

Dim ImageObj, PageObj, RepositoryFrom, RepositoryTo
Set RepositoryFrom = CreateObject("Mercury.ObjectRepositoryUtil")
Set RepositoryTo = CreateObject("Mercury.ObjectRepositoryUtil")
RepositoryFrom.Load "C:\UFT One\Tests\Flights.tsr"
RepositoryTo.Load "E:\Temp\Tests\Default.tsr"
Function EnumerateAllChildProperties(Root)
'The following function recursively enumerates all the test objects directly under
'a specified parent object. For each test object, a message box opens containing the
'test object's name, properties, and property values.
Dim TOCollection, TestObject, PropertiesCollection, Property, Msg
Set TOCollection = RepositoryFrom.GetChildren(Root)
For i = 0 To TOCollection.Count - 1
Set TestObject = TOCollection.Item(i)
Msg = RepositoryFrom.GetLogicalName(TestObject) & vbNewLine
Set PropertiesCollection = TestObject.GetTOProperties()
For n = 0 To PropertiesCollection.Count - 1
SetProperty = PropertiesCollection.Item(n)
Msg = Msg & Property.Name & "-" & Property.Value & vbNewLine
MsgBox Msg
EnumerateAllChildProperties TestObject
Function EnumerateAllObjectsProperties(Root)
'The following function enumerates all the test objects under a specified object.
'For each test object, a message box opens containing the test object's name,
'properties, and property values.
Dim TOCollection, TestObject, PropertiesCollection, Property, Msg
Set TOCollection = RepositoryFrom.GetAllObjects(Root)
For i = 0 To TOCollection.Count - 1
Set TestObject = TOCollection.Item(i)
Msg = RepositoryFrom.GetLogicalName(TestObject) & vbNewLine
Set PropertiesCollection = TestObject.GetTOProperties()
For n = 0 To PropertiesCollection.Count - 1
SetProperty = PropertiesCollection.Item(n)
Msg = Property.Name & "-" & Property.Value & vbNewLine
MsgBox Msg
Function RenameAllImages(Root)
'The following function sets a new name for all image test objects under a specified object.
Dim TOCollection, TestObject, PropertiesCollection, Property
Set TOCollection = RepositoryTo.GetAllObjectsByClass("Image")
For i = 0 To TOCollection.Count - 1
Set TestObject = TOCollection.Item(i)
RepositoryTo.RenameObject (TestObject, "Image " & i)
RepositoryTo.UpdateObject TestObject
Function RemoveAllLinks(Root)
'The following function recursively enumerates all the test objects under a specified object.
'It looks for all test objects of class Link and removes them from their parent objects.
Dim TOCollection, TestObject, PropertiesCollection, Property
Set TOCollection = RepositoryFrom.GetChildren(Root)
For i = 0 To TOCollection.Count - 1
Set TestObject = TOCollection.Item(i)
TOClass = TestObject.GetTOProperty("micclass")
If TOClass = "Link"Then
RepositoryFrom.RemoveObject Root, TestObject
EnumerateAllChildProperties TestObject