NodeArgs Element
The node that includes information regarding the display.
ExtendedInfo ElementBtmPane ElementTopPane ElementDisp ElementSequenceNodeArgs Element
The node that includes information regarding the display.
eType requiredxs:string
For internal use only.
icon requiredxs:string
The index of the node icon to be displayed (icons are located in the icons folder).
nRep requiredxs:string
For internal use only.
filter optionalRestriction of xs:NMTOKEN
For internal use only.
MovieMarker optionalxs:string
For internal use only.
status optionalRestriction of xs:NMTOKEN
The status of the step. Possible values: Passed - A step that passed; Failed - A step that failed; Done - A step that was performed successfully, but did not receive a pass, fail, or warning status ; Warning - A step that did not pass, but that did not cause the test to fail ; Information - For internal use only.
iconSel optionalxs:string
The index of the icon to be displayed when the node in the tree is selected. (Icons are located in the icons folder.)
nType optionalxs:string
For internal use only.
Source optionalxs:string
The name of the UFT testing document containing the step.
SourceLine optionalxs:long
The line number of the step.
UserNote optionalxs:string
The flag that is intended to make this step visible in Executive Summary.
StepFlowItemKey optionalxs:string
The key of the related flow item.
The node name, as displayed in the results tree.
The information in the top right pane of the Results window.
For internal use only.
The node containing report viewer extensibility information.
eTypexs:stringrequired  For internal use only.
iconxs:stringrequired  The index of the node icon to be displayed (icons are located in the icons folder).
nRepxs:stringrequired  For internal use only.
filterRestriction of xs:NMTOKENoptionalTrue For internal use only.
MovieMarkerxs:stringoptional  For internal use only.
statusRestriction of xs:NMTOKENoptionalDone The status of the step. Possible values: Passed - A step that passed; Failed - A step that failed; Done - A step that was performed successfully, but did not receive a pass, fail, or warning status ; Warning - A step that did not pass, but that did not cause the test to fail ; Information - For internal use only.
iconSelxs:stringoptional  The index of the icon to be displayed when the node in the tree is selected. (Icons are located in the icons folder.)
nTypexs:stringoptional  For internal use only.
Sourcexs:stringoptional  The name of the UFT testing document containing the step.
SourceLinexs:longoptional  The line number of the step.
UserNotexs:stringoptionalno The flag that is intended to make this step visible in Executive Summary.
StepFlowItemKeyxs:stringoptional  The key of the related flow item.
<xs:element name="NodeArgs" xmlns:xs="">
    <xs:documentation>The node that includes information regarding the display.</xs:documentation>
      <xs:element ref="Disp"   />
      <xs:element ref="TopPane" minOccurs="0"   />
      <xs:element ref="BtmPane" minOccurs="0"   />
      <xs:element ref="ExtendedInfo" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"   />
    <xs:attribute name="eType" type="xs:string" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>For internal use only.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="icon" type="xs:string" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>The index of the node icon to be displayed (icons are located in the icons folder).</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="nRep" type="xs:string" use="required">
        <xs:documentation>For internal use only.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="filter" default="True">
        <xs:documentation>For internal use only.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
          <xs:enumeration value="False"   />
          <xs:enumeration value="True"   />
    <xs:attribute name="MovieMarker" type="xs:string" use="optional">
        <xs:documentation>For internal use only.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="status" default="Done">
        <xs:documentation>The status of the step.
 Possible values:
 Passed - A step that passed; 
Failed - A step that failed; 
Done - A step that was performed successfully, but did not receive a pass, fail, or warning status
; Warning - A step that did not pass, but that did not cause the test to fail
; Information - For internal use only.</xs:documentation>
        <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
          <xs:enumeration value="Passed"   />
          <xs:enumeration value="Failed"   />
          <xs:enumeration value="Done"   />
          <xs:enumeration value="Warning"   />
          <xs:enumeration value="Information"   />
    <xs:attribute name="iconSel" type="xs:string">
        <xs:documentation>The index of the icon to be displayed when the node in the tree is selected. (Icons are located in the icons folder.)</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="nType" type="xs:string">
        <xs:documentation>For internal use only.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="Source" type="xs:string" use="optional">
        <xs:documentation>The name of the UFT testing document containing the step.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="SourceLine" type="xs:long" use="optional">
        <xs:documentation>The line number of the step.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="UserNote" type="xs:string" use="optional" default="no">
        <xs:documentation>The flag that is intended to make this step visible in Executive Summary.</xs:documentation>
    <xs:attribute name="StepFlowItemKey" type="xs:string" use="optional">
        <xs:documentation>The key of the related flow item.</xs:documentation>
See Also