ImageUtils code samples (Java SDK)

Verify that an image exists

This sample shows how to locate an image in a browser window using the VerifyImageExists method.

The sample assumes that there is an image named ImageToFind_In_Browser.bmp at the following path: C:\Images1

public void testObjectVerifyImageMatchExample() throws GeneralLeanFtException, IOException {
	// Launch the Chrome browser.
	Browser browser = BrowserFactory.launch(BrowserType.CHROME);

	// Load an image to search for in the browser window.
	RenderedImage expectedImage = File("C:\\Images1\\Expected_Browser_Image.bmp"));

	// Compare the image with a snapshot of the browser window.
	// Use the default pixel tolerance and RGB tolerance values.
	boolean imagesMatch = browser.verifyImageMatch(expectedImage);
	Verify.isTrue(imagesMatch, "Compare Browser Images", "Compare the browser's snapshot image to the current browser.");

	// Compare the image with a snapshot of the browser window.
	// Use a pixel tolerance and RGB tolerance of up to a 10 percent difference.
	imagesMatch = browser.verifyImageMatch(expectedImage, (byte)10, (byte)10);
	Verify.isTrue(imagesMatch, "Compare Browser Images", "Compare the browser's snapshot image to the current browser using a pixel tolerance and RGB tolerance of up to a 10 percent difference.");

	// Prepare a mask area for the comparison described below.
	Rectangle IncludeRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 200, 200);
	Rectangle ExcludeRectangle = new Rectangle(100, 100, 10, 10);
	ImageMaskArea maskArea = new ImageMaskArea(IncludeRectangle, ExcludeRectangle);

	// Compare the image with a snapshot of the browser window.
	// Use the default pixel tolerance and RGB tolerance values.
	// Use a mask area that:
	// - Includes all of the area in the rectangle located at 0,0,200,200 in the browser window.
	// - Excludes the area in the rectangle located at 100,100,10,10 in the browser window.
	imagesMatch = browser.verifyImageMatch(expectedImage, maskArea);
	Verify.isTrue(imagesMatch, "Compare Browser Images", "Compare the browser's snapshot image to the current browser using a mask image.");

	// Close the browser.

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Verify that an image matches a test object image

This sample shows how to compare an image to a test object's image - in this case, a browser window - using the VerifyImageMatch method.

The sample assumes that there is an image named Expected_Browser_Image.bmp at the following path: C:\Images1

public void testObjectVerifyImageMatchExample() throws GeneralLeanFtException, IOException {
	// Launch the Chrome browser.
	Browser browser = BrowserFactory.launch(BrowserType.CHROME);

	// Load an image to search for in the browser window.
	RenderedImage expectedImage = File("C:\\Images1\\Expected_Browser_Image.bmp"));

	// Compare the image with a snapshot of the browser window.
	// Use the default pixel tolerance and RGB tolerance values.
	boolean imagesMatch = browser.verifyImageMatch(expectedImage);
	Verify.isTrue(imagesMatch, "Compare Browser Images", "Compare the browser's snapshot image to the current browser.");

	// Compare the image with a snapshot of the browser window.
	// Use a pixel tolerance and RGB tolerance of up to a 10 percent difference.
	imagesMatch = browser.verifyImageMatch(expectedImage, (byte)10, (byte)10);
	Verify.isTrue(imagesMatch, "Compare Browser Images", "Compare the browser's snapshot image to the current browser using a pixel tolerance and RGB tolerance of up to a 10 percent difference.");

	// Prepare a mask area for the comparison described below.
	Rectangle IncludeRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 200, 200);
	Rectangle ExcludeRectangle = new Rectangle(100, 100, 10, 10);
	ImageMaskArea maskArea = new ImageMaskArea(IncludeRectangle, ExcludeRectangle);

	// Compare the image with a snapshot of the browser window.
	// Use the default pixel tolerance and RGB tolerance values.
	// Use a mask area that:
	// - Includes all of the area in the rectangle located at 0,0,200,200 in the browser window.
	// - Excludes the area in the rectangle located at 100,100,10,10 in the browser window.
	imagesMatch = browser.verifyImageMatch(expectedImage, maskArea);
	Verify.isTrue(imagesMatch, "Compare Browser Images", "Compare the browser's snapshot image to the current browser using a mask image.");

	// Close the browser.

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Search for an image inside another Iimage

This example shows how to use the ImageUtils' class LocateImage to search for one image inside another image.

The sample assumes:

  • There is an image named ImageToSearchIn.bmp at the following path: C:\Images1. This is the containing image.
  • There is an image named ImageToSearchFor.bmp at the following path: C:\Images1. This is the image we will search for.
public void ImageSearchExample()
	var imageToSearchIn = new Bitmap(@"C:\Images1\ImageToSearchIn.bmp");
	var imageToSearchFor = new Bitmap(@"C:\Images1\ImageToSearchFor.bmp");
	var imageFoundAtPoint = ImageUtils.LocateImage(imageToSearchIn, imageToSearchFor, 90);

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Compare two images

This example shows how to use the ImageUtils' class LocateCompareImages to compare two images.

The comparison is done with a pixel tolerance of 10, and an RGB tolerance of 20. This means that:

  • Up to 10 percent of the pixels might be different
  • Up to 20 percent of the RBG values of the pixels might be different.

This example assumes that the images are located at the following path: C:\Images1

	public void imageComparisonExample() throws GeneralLeanFtException, IOException {
	RenderedImage image1 = File("C:\\Images1\\Image1.bmp"));
	RenderedImage image2 = File("C:\\Images1\\Image2.bmp"));
	boolean imagesMatch = ImageUtils.compareImages(image1, image2, (byte)10, (byte)20);
	Verify.isTrue(imagesMatch, "ImageComparisonExample", "Verify images match using pixel tolerance and RGB tolerance values.");

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