LessOrEqual Method
Checks whether the first number specified is less than or equal to the second for integer values.
Overload List
LessOrEqual(Int32,Int32,String,String,Image)Checks whether the first number specified is less than or equal to the second for integer values.  
LessOrEqual(UInt32,UInt32,String,String,Image)Checks whether the first number specified is less than or equal to the second for unsigned integer values.  
LessOrEqual(Int64,Int64,String,String,Image)Checks whether the first number specified is less than or equal to the second for long values.  
LessOrEqual(UInt64,UInt64,String,String,Image)Checks whether the first number specified is less than or equal to the second for unsigned long values.  
LessOrEqual(Decimal,Decimal,String,String,Image)Checks whether the first number specified is less than or equal to the second for decimal values.  
LessOrEqual(Double,Double,String,String,Image)Checks whether the first number specified is less than or equal to the second for double values.  
LessOrEqual(Single,Single,String,String,Image)Checks whether the first number specified is less than or equal to the second for float values.  
LessOrEqual(IComparable,IComparable,String,String,Image)Checks whether the first number specified is less than or equal to the second for IComparable values.