HP.LFT.SDK.Java Namespace

Provides the SDK for testing Java objects.
ClassAppletDescription The description of an Applet control test object.
ClassButtonDescription The description of a Java Button test object.
ClassCalendarDescription The description of a Java Calendar test object.
ClassCheckBoxDescription The description of a Java CheckBox test object.
ClassDialogDescription The description of a Java Dialog test object.
ClassEditorDescription The description of a Java Editor test object.
ClassEventInfoFactory A factory for creating EventInfo to be passed to the FireEvent method of Java test objects.
ClassExpandBarDescription The description of a Java ExpandBar test object.
ClassInternalFrameDescription The description of a Java InternalFrame test object.
ClassJavaEventInfo A Java technology event info to be used by fireEvent methods.
ClassKeyboardEventInfo A Java technology Keyboard event info to be used by fireEvent methods.
ClassLabelDescription The description of a Java Label test object.
ClassLinkDescription The description of a Java Link test object.
ClassListDescription The description of a Java List test object.
ClassMenuDescription The description of a Java Menu test object.
ClassMouseEventInfo A Java technology Mouse event info to be used by fireEvent methods.
ClassRadioButtonDescription The description of a Java RadioButton test object.
ClassSliderDescription The description of a Java Slider test object.
ClassSpinBoxDescription The description of a Java SpinBox test object.
ClassTabControlDescription The description of a Java TabControl test object.
ClassTableDescription The description of a Java Table test object.
ClassToolBarDescription The description of a Java toolbar test object.

The description of a Java TreeView test object.


The description of a Java TreeViewTable test object.

Supported on UFT Developer versions 15.0.1 and later

ClassUiEventInfo A Java technology UI event info for fireEvent methods.
ClassUiObjectBaseDescription The base description of all Java test objects.
ClassUiObjectDescription The description of a Java UiObject test object.
ClassWindowDescription The description of a Java Window test object.
InterfaceIApplet A Java Applet control.
InterfaceIButton A Java button.
InterfaceICalendar A Java calendar.
InterfaceICheckBox A Java check box.
InterfaceIDialog A Java Dialog object.
InterfaceIEditor A Java edit box.
InterfaceIEventInfo A Java technology event info to be used by fireEvent methods.
InterfaceIExpandBar A Java control that contains labeled bar items that can be expanded or collapsed by the user.
InterfaceIExpandBarItem A single Java ExpandBar item in a Java ExpandBar control
InterfaceIInternalFrame A Java InternalFrame object.
InterfaceILabel A Java static text object.
InterfaceILink A Java control that displays text with links.
InterfaceIList A Java list box with single or multiple selection.
InterfaceIListItem A single list item in a Java list.
InterfaceIMenu A Java Menu. Each JavaMenu test object represents an individual menu item. A step that performs an operation on a particular menu item must contain the full hierarchy of JavaMenu test objects that represents the actual menu hierarchy.
InterfaceIRadioButton A Java radio button.
InterfaceISlider A Java slider.
InterfaceISpinBox A Java spin object.
InterfaceITabControl A Java tabstrip control containing tabbed panels.
InterfaceITable A Java table.
InterfaceITableBaseBase interface for all Java tables.
InterfaceITableCell A single cell in a Java Table.
InterfaceITableRow A single row in a Java Table.
InterfaceIToolBar A Java toolbar.
InterfaceIToolBarButton A single tool bar button in a Java toolbar.
InterfaceITreeView A Java tree.
InterfaceITreeViewBaseBase interface for all Java trees.
InterfaceITreeViewNode A single node in a Java TreeView.

A JavaFX tree table.

Supported on UFT Developer versions 15.0.1 and later



A single row in a JavaFX tree table.

Supported on UFT Developer versions 15.0.1 and later

InterfaceIUiObject A standard Java object.
InterfaceIUiObjectBase Base interface of all Java test objects.
InterfaceIWindow A Java window.
EnumerationCalendarStyle Represents the style of a Java calendar.
EnumerationKeyboardEvent Constants for Keyboard events.
EnumerationMouseEvent Constants for Mouse events.
EnumerationSliderOrientation The horizontal or vertical orientation of the slider.
EnumerationTableKeyModifier Keyboard keys that can be pressed and held down during the execution of a table method, such as the click method.
EnumerationUiEvent Constants for UI events.

See also: