HP.LFT.SDK.Web Namespace

Provides the SDK for testing Web objects.
ClassAgGridDescriptionThe description of a Web AgGrid test object.
ClassAreaDescription The description of a Web Area test object.
ClassAudioControlDescription The description of a Web AudioControl test object.
ClassBrowserDescription The description of a Web Browser test object.
ClassBrowserFactory A class for creating an IBrowser instance.
ClassBrowserVersion Information about the browser.
ClassButtonDescription The description of a Web Button test object.
ClassCheckBoxDescription The description of a Web CheckBox test object.


Class defining the table column in which to search.
ClassCSSDescription The description of a Web test object based on a CSS selector.
ClassEditFieldBaseDescription The description of the base interface for Web edit fields, such as, edit, number, and file fields.
ClassEditFieldDescription The description of a Web EditField test object.
ClassEmulatedDevice Emulated Device class containing predefined emulated devices.
ClassEventInfo The HTML event info to be used for the FireEvent method.
ClassEventInfoFactory A factory for creating IEventInfo to be passed to the FireEvent method of the Web test object.
ClassExtendedTreeViewConfiguration A set of XPath values to help the ITreeView object perform Select, Expand, and Collapse operations when the default implementation cannot find the required tree element.
ClassFileFieldDescription The description of a Web FileField test object.
ClassFormFieldDescription The description of a base interface for all form-related test objects.
ClassFrameDescription The description of a Web Frame test object.
ClassGridBaseDescriptionThe description of base grid test objects.
ClassImageDescription The description of a Web Image test object.
ClassLinkDescription The description of a Web Link test object.
ClassListBoxDescription The description of a Web ListBox test object.
ClassMediaControlDescription The description of a Web MediaControl (audio control or video control) test object.
ClassMenuDescription The description of a Web Menu test object.
ClassMouseEventInfo The HTML mouse event info to be used for the FireEvent method.
ClassNumericFieldDescription The description of a Web NumericField test object.
ClassPageDescription The description of a Web Page test object.
ClassRadioGroupDescription The description of a Web RadioGroup test object.
ClassSliderDescription The description of a Web Slider test object.
ClassTableDescription The description of a Web Table test object.
ClassTabStripDescription The description of a Web TabStrip test object.


Class defining a text match we are looking for.
ClassTreeViewConfiguration A set of XPath values to help the ITreeView object perform Select, Expand, and Collapse operations in cases where the default implementation cannot find the element needed.
ClassTreeViewDescription The description of a WebTree test object.
ClassUiGridDescriptionThe description of a Web UiGrid test object.
ClassVideoControlDescription The description of a Web VideoControl test object.
ClassWebBaseDescription The description of a base interface for all Web test objects.
ClassWebDoubleClickArgs Arguments that define additional behavior for the DoubleClick method.
ClassWebElementDescription A basic Web element's description.
ClassWebLongPressArgs Arguments that define additional behavior for the Long Press method.
ClassWebPanArgs Arguments that define additional behavior for the Pan method.
ClassWebPinchArgs Arguments that define additional behavior for the Pinch method.
ClassWebSwipeArgs Arguments that define additional behavior for the Swipe method.
ClassXPathDescription The description of a Web test object based on the object’s XPath.


An AgGrid table.
InterfaceIArea A section of an image on a Web page (usually a section of a client-side image map).
InterfaceIAudioControl A Web control that plays audio embedded in an HTML page.
InterfaceIBrowser A tab in an open Web browser.
InterfaceIButton A Web button, for example: <button> tag or <input type="button">
InterfaceICheckBox A Web check box with an ON and OFF state.
InterfaceIEditBase Base interface for Web edit fields, such as, text field, text area, and editable input, such as number and range. HTML tag example: <input type=“text” value=“my first text field”/>
InterfaceIEditField A Web edit box.
InterfaceIEditFieldCommon Properties and methods for Web edit field types (edit, number, and range).
InterfaceIEmulatedDevice Base interface for emulated devices.
InterfaceIFileField A Web edit box with an attached browse button.
InterfaceIFrame A Web frame object that represents both the frame element in a frame set and an embedded frame that uses the iframe element.


Base interface for Web grid test objects.
InterfaceIImage An Web image element in the HTML.
InterfaceILink A Web hyperlink (or anchor) object.
InterfaceIListBox A drop-down or multiple-selection Web list.

HTML example with the second value selected:

<select name="select">

<option value="value1">Value 1</option>

<option value="value2" selected>Value 2</option>

<option value="value3>Value 3</option>


InterfaceIListItem A single list item in a Web list.
InterfaceIMediaControl Web methods for playing media (audio/video) files embedded in the HTML page.
InterfaceIMenu A menu control in a Web page or application.
InterfaceINumericField A numeric Web form field.
InterfaceIPage An HTML page.
InterfaceIRadioGroup A set of Web radio buttons belonging to the same group.
InterfaceISlider A numeric Web slider object.
InterfaceITable A Web table containing a variable number of rows and columns.
InterfaceITableCell A single cell in the the ITable Web object.
InterfaceITableRow A single row in the ITable Web object.
InterfaceITabStrip A tab strip control in a Web page or application.
InterfaceITreeView A tree control in a Web site or application.
InterfaceITreeViewNode A single node in a Web Tree.


A UiGrid table.
InterfaceIVideoControl A Web control that plays video embedded in an HTML page.
InterfaceIWebDescriber Indicates that the test object supports describing its child test object with advanced web filters.
InterfaceIWebElement Base interface for Web test objects.
InterfaceIWebTestObject A generic Web test object used only for implementation. Do not use to describe a concrete web test object.
EnumerationBrowserType Supported browser types.
EnumerationDialogButton Buttons for closing a browser dialog or message box.
EnumerationFullScreenModeValues for the FullScreen (mode) parameter.
EnumerationImageType Supported image types.
EnumerationMouseEventTypes Supported mouse event types.

See also: