HP.LFT.SDK.WPF Namespace

Provides the SDK for testing WPF objects.
ClassButtonDescription The description of a WPF Button test object.
ClassCalendarDescription The description of a WPF Calendar or date picker test object.
ClassCheckBoxDescription The description of a WPF CheckBox test object.
ClassComboBoxDescription The description of a WPF ComboBox test object.
ClassEditFieldDescription The description of a WPF EditField test object.
ClassImageDescription The description of a WPF Image test object.
ClassLinkDescription The description of a WPF Link (hyperlink) test object.
ClassListDescription The description of a WPF List test object.
ClassMenuDescription The description of a WPF Menu test object.
ClassProgressBarDescription The description of a WPF ProgressBar test object.
ClassRadioButtonDescription The description of a WPF RadioButton test object.
ClassScrollBarDescription The description of a WPF ScrollBar test object.
ClassSliderDescription The description of a WPF Slider test object.
ClassStatusBarDescription The description of a WPF StatusBar test object.
ClassTableDescription The description of a WPF Table (grid) test object.
ClassTabStripDescription The description of a WPF TabStrip test object.
ClassToolBarDescription The description of a WPF ToolBsar test object.
ClassTreeViewDescription The description of a WPF TreeView test object.
ClassUiObjectDescription The description of a WPF UiObject test object.
ClassUiObjectDescriptionBase The base description of all WPF test objects.
ClassWindowDescription The description of a WPF window test object.
InterfaceIButton A .NET WPF button object.
InterfaceICalendar A .NET WPF calendar or a date picker object.
InterfaceICheckBox A .NET WPF check box.
InterfaceIComboBox A .NET WPF combo box.
InterfaceIEditField A .NET WPF edit box.
InterfaceIImage A .NET WPF image object.
InterfaceILink A .NET WPF hyperlink object.
InterfaceIList A .NET WPF list object.
InterfaceIMenu A .NET WPF menu object.
InterfaceIMenuItem A menu item in a .NET WPF menu.
InterfaceIProgressBar A .NET WPF progress bar object.
InterfaceIRadioButton A .NET WPF radio button object.
InterfaceIScrollBar A .NET WPF scroll bar object.
InterfaceISlider A .NET WPF slider object.
InterfaceIStatusBar A .NET WPF status bar object.
InterfaceITable A .NET WPF grid object.
InterfaceITableCell A single cell in a .NET WPF Table (grid) object.
InterfaceITableRow A single row in a .NET WPF table (grid) object.
InterfaceITabStrip A .NET WPF tab strip object.
InterfaceIToggleButton A .NET WPF toggle button object.
InterfaceIToolBar A .NET WPF toolbar object.
InterfaceIToolBarItem A single tool bar button in a .NET WPF tool bar.
InterfaceITreeView A .NET WPF tree-view object.
InterfaceITreeViewNode A single tree-view node belonging to a .NET WPF tree-view object.
InterfaceIUiObject A standard .NET WPF object.
InterfaceIUiObjectBase Base interface of all WPF test objects.
InterfaceIWindow A .NET WPF window object.

See also: